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UFORC thanks CAUS and Andy Carbone *snip* for this report:


I have been both observing and studying the "contrail" phenomenon for the past 6 months. I have recently made an uncanny connection between crop circles and this "weather modification experiment?". The CAUS update dated July 13, 1999, reports of a 19 yr. old boy in Holland named Robert who seems to have an uncanny relationship with the crop circle makers. He has perceived an entity connected to the circle making who has communicated to him the idea that crop circles have something to do with the environment and DECEIT. Well, imagine my shock when I viewed the July 99 circles from England and immediately recognized these pictograms as clearly depicting the Earth surrounded by, you guessed it, CONTRAILS. Look at them for yourselves - The Alton Barnes Formation, The Cley Hill Formation, Hackpen Hill, and The Beltane Wheel {from May 98}. By the way Hopi prophecy talks of the Day of Purification, "There will come a time of great destruction, a time when there will be lines in the sky and cobwebs in the air." Contrail observers on the net refer to cobweb like observations! Also, do you know of the Grand Cross configuration of the planets coming up on Aug.17-18? Well, look at the Kassel, Hessen, Germany crop circle reported June 26, 1999. Holy ___ ! If that doesn't depict the Earth being slammed by asteroids I'll eat my hat! Notin that 4 major planets will be involved in the Grand Cross, while Pluto and its two minor asteroids won't.

UFORC thanks CAUS and Paul Anderson *snip* for this report:

News and Updates from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
My name is Clynt King. A wheat formation was made in the field behind my house. I first noticed it on Thursday, July 22, 1999. My brother, Ken King discovered a second formation in a nearby field on Friday, July 23, 1999.


I have made the following scientific observations about the formations:

-The wheat was bent down close to the earth.

- Some of the wheat was bent down and curved.

- The wheat stalks and heads were still intact, not crushed or broken.

- Some of the wheat was braided together in various patterns.

- The wheat was laid down in a complex manner that showed basic and advanced geometry. For example, the wheat was laid down at specific angles relative to the overall pattern and one circle showed an advanced geometric star like pattern.

- The overall patterns showed precise symmetry.

- The geometric figures of circles, rectangles and arcs were used repeatedly throughout the formations.

- The geometric figures, when looked at collectively, show a complex design similar to petroglyphs.

- The prime numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11, or multiples of them, show up throughout the formations. These numbers show up in measurements and in the number of wheat rows used. The overall length of the largest formation is approximately 303 feet long.

- The overall length of the smaller formation is approximately 75 feet long.

Considering just the above observations, I can conclude that the formations were made with a high level of knowledge and skill. This was not formed by a natural force normally seen in wind or rain or the way wheat grows. Another observation to consider is that some electronic equipment does not work within or near the formations.

If a person, or group of people, made these formations, I would expect that there would have been evidence of their activity at the site. For example, they would have left some wheat around the site crushed and broken. Also, logistically, they would have taken a long time to make such formations, therefore, someone would have noticed them in the field. The complexity of weaving the wheat into intricate geometric formations without damaging the wheat would be an extremely difficult task. I believe this is beyond the ability of any person or group of people.

Therefore, I conclude, based on the above observations and evidence that the formations were not made by any person or group of people. The complexity of the formations allow many interpretations to be made at many levels. The acceptance of one interpretation does not mean we have to reject others.

When dreams and visions become reality I need the advice and guidance of others to better understand what has happened and what I need to do next. It was suggested that I write down and distribute what the crop formations mean to me. My understanding comes from my own experiences and the experiences of others. I will offer my understanding for you to consider.

- The main message is that the Star People are here to help us. They will soon be visible to everyone. We need to open up our minds to each other and become one mind. We need to open up our spiritual eyes.

- We need to remember how we are interconnected to everything else.

- We will experience some very difficult times soon. The Star People will help us through this. The Spirit world will also help us. We must help ourselves by coming together as one mind with our spiritual eyes open.

- The message was put in the field by the Star People, Mother Earth and our Creator. They used three balls of light to do this.

- Our Earth Mother is pregnant and a new world will soon be born. We need to help our Earth Mother by doing special Water Ceremonies for her. First we need to learn the Water Ceremonies and the deeper meanings. Then we must do the Water Ceremonies.

- After the new world is born a dimensional doorway will open back up. The door is currently sealed shut but our ancestors used it in the past. We will be able to communicate and travel to other worlds through this doorway.

This is a simple message that many other people have received and have spoken about. There is nothing to fear in this message. This is a great blessing for our family and communities to receive. I will do whatever I can to help.



UFORC thanks CAUS and both Cliff Capers *snip* for posting Joyce Murphy's report...and of CAUS Joyce Murphy:

The Beyond Boundaries crop formations expedition led by Ruben Uriarte, director of Northern California MUFON, flew over at least 10 recent formations by helicopter yesterday and began the painstaking ground observations today. We went into the East Kennet Long Barrow formation which was discovered yesterday morning, our overflight being among the very first to observe this new formation. West Kennet Long Barrow is one of the largest Neolithic burial tombs in Britain, constructed in 3700 BC, and in continual use for well over 1000 years. The area is very close to the oldest mound in Europe, Silbury Hill, which has overlooked many fantastic formations in the past. The next formation visited at ground level was Devil's Den which appeared the 3rd week of July near another ancient site, standing stones. Both investigations will be reported to you later in greater depth via the Beyond Boundaries website at and the newsletter, information on site as to how to get this next issue. We have been working closely with Jane Ross and Freddy Silva in getting orientated to recent activities and formations in the area before our arrival. A very positive article appeared this morning in the Gazette and Herald, a local newspaper, telling the story of Jane's vision of a soon to happen formation, which occurred a couple of days later - The Circle of Life as she named it. We will be reporting more later on the circles as well as the eclipse as we will see it from Devon.


News and Updates from Circles Phenomenon Research
Canada Beyond Boundaries


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