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UFORCE REPORTS (Archive #041000)

Subject:8/2/99 UFO Report Resend
Date:Thu, 12 Aug 1999 03:38:03 EDT Status:Normal

Received at U.F.O. Resource Center on August 9, 1999;
UFORCE thanks Linda Turley ( for this UFO report:

(Deleted because of privacy issues)
To Whom It May Concern:

On August 2, 1999 at approximately 6:15 PM, I was getting into my car when I heard the sound of a low flying airplane. I looked up to see a single engine plane trailing a banner. This plane was traveling out of the South to the North, and traveled directly over my head, making it difficult to read what the banner read. I looked away from the plane to unlock my car, when a neighbor asked me what the banner read. I again looked up, the plane was now turning West. As I again tried to read the banner (Stop The Land Grab). Also at this time I noticed another plane flying at an altitude higher than the first and traveling out of the Northwest flying Southeast, their paths intersecting momentarily. At this time I noticed "something" at an altitude between the two planes, at an approx. 30 deg. angle behind the first plane, and almost directly below the second plane. This object was oval/egg shaped, and a white translucent color. My first thought was that it was a reflection off one of the planes.

Because I was having difficulty reading the banner (I wasn't sure if it was Grab or Crab), I looked away toward the first plane, which was now traveling directly West, I then looked back toward the "something," the second plane having now traveled out of view. The "something" was still in the same spot I had first noticed it, or very close to it, was still the same shape, size and color. My mind registered it wasn't a reflection, not a cloud, but maybe a high flying bird. I then looked away to get into my car but my thought process has now thrown out the high flying bird explanation. I then looked back to where I saw the object, which now was no longer there. My gaze turned to the West and as I began to gaze back towards where I first saw it, the "something" came into my view, well West of where I first saw it, traveling East at a very high rate of speed, and out of my view. This "something" while traveling at such a speed made no sound that would be heard if it were a conventional aircraft capable of such speed, and produced no contrails. Additionally, I know of nothing that would have been able to move off from its original spot it one direction, then change direction, and then accelerate to the speed at which I saw it traveling, in the time that it took for this object to do so, and in the small area of space/sky I was able to see. This occurred on a sunny day, with some clouds in the sky. However the clouds were the big, puffy "cotton ball" type, not the wispy, thin type. This "something" was observed over a city in broad daylight.

I am a 45 year old female, college graduate, considered by people who know me as intelligent, honest, truthful and logical. I have been unable to logically explain what it was that I saw other than it being a UFO. Previous to this citing I neither believed or disbelieved in such things. Furthermore, having lived near Griffiss Air Force Base while in operation, I am familiar with all types of aircraft flying over this area. Additionally, I worked for a subsidiary of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft for 12 years which provided material for jet engines, including engines for the F15, F16 and the new F22 and commercial aircraft. I have also attended numerous air shows where all of these aircraft, with the exception of the F22, have been viewed on the ground and provided air demonstrations.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions either by phone, mail or email. Very truly yours, Linda K. Turley.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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