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Peter Gersten begins with a greeting, then he says "On this Thursday, CAUS poses a riddle: What is very large, triangular in appearance and "floats?" Well, if you find out, please tell our Department of Defense." UFORC thanks CAUS and MUFON for this report:

1) UFORC thanks CAUS William I.McNeff *snip* Asst. State Director Minnesota MUFON, for this report:

Boomerang UFO - Hartsville, SC: On the night of Sat. 5/8/99 at approx. 10:27pm ET my 16 yr. old niece and myself witnessed the "glide-over" of an unidentified boomerang-shaped object over Hartsville, South Carolina. We were star-gazing outside my father-in-law's home, when my niece suddenly exclaimed WOW! When I looked up after checking her direction of sight, I saw a "darker than night" boomerang-shaped shadow glide silently (no sound at all) overhead. Even though my field of view was brief, the outline was very distinct. The object had rounded edges, with 7 yellow-gold lights lining the front edge (one at the front, 3 down each leg). The lights gave off no reflection on the object, just points of light, like they might be recessed into the object. I lost sight after the object passed over the roof of the house. This was what I witnessed.

The first sight was by my niece (who used to be a skeptic about UFOs) who saw the object at approximately 40 degrees above the horizon. She saw 5 patterns connected together in a V-shape (I did not see the patterns). They were a dull gray, reflecting the city lights in the distance from below. The shape of the patterns from her drawing (she made the drawing on my request within minutes of the sighting) were concave arcs on the front and convex arcs on the back. She did not see the 7 lights, that is one reason I think they were recessed in the object and I saw them when it was directly overhead.

Shaw AFB, Sumter,SC: On Sun. 5/9/99 I was put in contact with a Sergeant Pintar, questioned on addresses and phone no.'s (Iunderstand asking for sighting location, but my address 150 miles away?) She said they only had F-16's there no Stealth. I asked her if they were testing boomerang shaped gliders (I was serious). Florence (SC) Airport: Didn't know, had no report (nearest commercial radar site) Hartsville Police Dept.: No reply to date.

INFO Breakdown:
Note these are Approx.

  • Apparent size: 2 1/2" to 3" tip to tip at my arms length, I calc.
  • 500' to 600' actual.
  • Speed: 500 to 600 MPH
  • Direction of travel: WSW to ENE
  • Altitude: 2000 to 3000 feet.
  • Distance away at first sight: .75 of a mile
  • Duration of event: 5 to 7 seconds (seems short; not short if you see one)
  • Lights observed: 7 total, 1 @ apex; 3 down each leg.
  • Included angle of boomerang: Approx. 120 degrees.
    (Questions on calcs. welcome to this investigation, it will help)

My investigation is still ongoing, I will revise as required.
Note: I made a computer generated drawing of what we saw with all attributes combined and converted it to a *.bmp file that can be viewed on Windows Paint or associated programs. I can attach the file to email on request. My address is: JJLJ45A@ or TKIMBRELL@ I hope with this report that someone else in this region saw what we saw. Respectfully submitted, Terry Kimbrell (MUFON/ISUR)

2) UFORC thanks CAUS and Sunny Barclift *snip* for this report:

First of all thank you for the wonderful website you are providing. I have been receiving your updates and really look forward to email each day. Believe it or not I really enjoy your Sunday contribution. Very inspirational.

I have avoided contacting you about my sighting of a triangular craft for fear that it would somehow contaminate the credibility of a story that has been much publicized by the media. I didn't want to mix apples and oranges.

I am the woman from Oakville, Washington who appeared on the Unsolved Mysteries program in 1997 regarding the gelatinous goo that fell over my mother's farm and surrounding area. On the third day following the first fallout I witnessed a very large black or dark charcoal grey (it was approx 8 PM) triangular craft "floating" over our neighbors house. I say floating because it appeared to be flying slower than stall speed of a conventional aircraft. It made absolutely no sound. The most anomalous feature of the craft was that it glowed all around the periphery a yellowish, green neon-like glow. The undercarriage, which was my only perspective of it looked as though it had been molded. There were contoured areas present and small rectangular "windows" from which emanated a soft diffused yellow light. This sighting occurred on 8-10-94. The craft was approximately 80 ft by 100 ft. It was at an altitude of about 500 ft. The strange craft was also witnessed by at least one other individual five miles east of my location. It traveled in the direction of it's point, due east and parallel to State Route 12 west.

3) UFORC thanks CAUSand Frank Gussie *snip* for this report:

I witnessed a triangular UFO in Sussex County, NJ in the summer of 1968. I was 11 years old at the time. It came over the trees maybe 200 ft. up and went over me and disappeared toward the Delaware River. It was a bright shiny silver gray in color. I called my family but they came out too late.

We had the house in Hainesville, NJ at the time and we were on a dirt road. It was pretty rural up there at the time. I had not seen or heard of any more triangular shaped UFOs until I was watching SIGHTINGS on FOX when they did a segment on Russian UFO thus validating my sighting. Could you tell me what is going on with these shaped UFOs?

Wish I could Frank, but it appears that whatever these objects are, it is a well kept secret that we common folks are not entitled to know." UFORC thanks CAUS for this report. *snip*

Peter Gersten is the Director of CAUS. The Citizens Against UFO Secrecy newsletter always includes fascinating research on UFO related subjects. Peter often includes his own editorial commentary...but that's great too! Citizens Against UFO Secrecy...Isn't that you...isn't that me?UFORC CASE No. CAUS#AUG599B001-3



CAUS has shared three more reports on our enigmatic friend...the triangular UFO:

1) UFORC thanks CAUS and J.N. for this report: I have seen this triangle but because of my past experience I hesitate to put anything in writing and sign my name to it. I am currently a consultant to foster care group homes and as such, have to have good relationships with many government officials within local to federal agencies and cannot do anything that would jeopardize my standing. I would submit an affidavit if my identity could be protected, but I can tell you, it makes me very nervous to think I could be called as a witness at some future date. Also, I can't actually recall what year this was -- sometime between 1994 or 1995. It was when we were experiencing those "sky quakes" here in Los Angeles. I do recall it was on a Thursday between10 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. It was a solid triangle shape. I've seen the pictures of what is believed to be Aurora, and it didn't look like that to me. It had no wings and no cut out parts, it was a solid triangle. What was most striking tome was that it seemed to have, for lack of a better way to describe it, a "cloaking device" as I felt it's presence before I saw it--it just appeared above me, and then it just disappeared. The other thing that stands out in my mind is how the atmosphere seemed to become really dense, almost condensed all around me and I felt somewhat pressurized. It was really close--almost directly overhead--but it was difficult to see details because of the way the pressure effected my eyes which I had to shield as I looked upward. It did appear to begun metal gray in color and I did see what I took to be an observation window(round) in the center of the triangle, but it could have been a spot light. There were what appeared to be lights around the sides, but I can't be sure they weren't smaller windows. That's about all I can recall other than I never saw it leave, it just disappeared and the air was once again normal. I've told my story before, but never in a public way. As I said, I would add it to the affidavits you are collecting, but I'm not sure I can risk my career which has been a longtime in creation. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL199B001

2) UFORC thanks CAUS and Mitchell ( for this report:

In 92 I saw a triangle. It came from behind me and I saw it come over me. It had to be as big as two football fields. It had lights on all corners and a cluster of lights in the middle. It came overhead and startled me and as it came it moved slowly. It didn't make a sound. It wasn't that high up...around 800-900 ft in the air. The size was mind blowing. I wasn't scared...just a question came to mind, how something that big could move that slow? I watched it for a few minutes and the weird part of the whole event was that when the UFO went away about 6 or 8 helicopters came overhead. I heard them coming and saw them follow the UFO until it was out of sight. I was 16 then when I went to tell my parents, they told me I was seeing things. But I still remember every detail of the object."

3) UFORC thanks CAUS and Terry *snip* for this report:

"On the night of Sat. 5/8/99 at approx. 10:27pm ET my 16 yr. Old niece and myself witnessed the "glide-over" of an unidentified boomerang-shaped object over Hartsville, South Carolina. We were stargazing outside my father-in-law's home, when my niece suddenly exclaimed WOW! When I looked up after checking her direction of sight, I saw a "darker than night" boomerang-shaped shadow glide silently (no sound at all) overhead. Even though my field of view was brief, the outline was very distinct. The object had rounded edges, with 7 yellow-gold lights lining the front edge (one at the front, 3down each leg). The lights gave off no reflection on the object, just points of light, like they might be recessed into the object. I lost sight after the object passed over the roof of the house. This was what I witnessed. The first sight was by my niece (who used to be a skeptic about UFO's) who saw the object at approx. 40 degrees above the horizon. She saw 5 patterns connected together in a V-shape (I did not see the patterns). They were a dull gray, reflecting the city lights in the distance from below. The shape of the patterns from her drawing (she made the drawing on my request within minutes of the sighting) were concave arcs on the front and convex arcs on the back. She did not see the 7 lights, that is one reason I think they were recessed in the object and I saw them when it was directly overhead."

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