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UFO REPORT: Cubatao, Sao Paulo

U.F.O.R.C. thanks Thiago Tichetti ( this report dated 21 August, 1999

On August, 21, around 12:58 Am, Mr. Roberto Rabelo saw a huge UFO over the city of Cubatao, São Paulo. He told that when he arrived at the ETA (Water Treatment Estation), and there were 3 others fellas watching the phenomenom. "It was aorund 12:58 Am, dawn of August 21, and I looked to the north and there was a UFO at a low altitude". "One of the operators sad that it should be a short-circuit in a near energy tower. Then we ascended the tower and realized that thing was not convencional. The UFO was higher!". "The UFO had a red light on top and 3 others red lights below it, in a triangular shape. The lights did not blink. Seconds later, between the red lights, a lot of flashs, hundreds of white flashs! Then all dissapeared". "I estimated that the UFO was bigger than a soccer field". Once again the UFO appeared, just like the first time, but this time when the flash lights turned off, from the UFO another object, like a yellow ball, came out, wich was in direction of the COSIPA ( a food factory). For the third time the UFO appeared again and this time they were able to see a "shadow" behind it. Something triangular. Finally the UFO was in east direction, passing over the COSIPA. All the sighting lasted 20 minutes.

THIAGO LUIZ TICCHETTI Diretor Do Departamento de Publicação e Tradução Especializadas ( DEPTE - EBE-ET / Brasilia-Brasil) Director of the Publication Department and Specialized Translation

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