Also posted with isyndicate news groups. Suggested titles:
Anomalistic Observational Phenomenon. {AOP}
News from Space
This came in from P3N, and it includes an interesting piece on the MGS Project (Mars Global Surveyor).
Subject:Anomalistic Observational Phenomena
Date:26 Aug 1999 03:14:41 -0000 Status:Normal
From:"Paranormal News"
Subject: Anomalistic ObservationalPhenomena
Sender: Paranormal News -
Anomalistic Observational Phenomena
Written By: Jeff Behnke
Posted: August 25, 1999
Let's say that someone tried to measure out a square plot of land to create a house, but were unsure if the house would fit in the area they had chosen. So they decide to take some measurements. They jam a stake in the ground, hook up a tape measure, and start walking. It's reasonable to assume that they might discover the plot of land is not big enough, and as a result, they pick up their measuring tape, leave the stakes in the ground, and walk away.
Hundreds of years later a farmer walks across this same plot of land and sees an unusual object sticking up. If he has the mindset that there was no one else there before him he would probably try to take some guesses as to how it got there. He might then conclude that a tornado or hurricane or a mere wind gust came by and deposited the stick there, thus declaring that the mystery has been solved.
But let's say that this same farmer was to walk across to the other end of his field and find the exact same type of stick with the exact same shape, bearing the same markings. Being rather curious, he takes the initiative and walks to the third end of his field and finds a stick there as well. Will he still say that a tornado did it?
For starters, he has to investigate. He has to perhaps take out a measuring tape of his own, lay it across the field and determine the distance between each of the stakes. He has to see if the stakes line up in an unusual or well-thought out pattern. He has to possibly compare the stakes to other branches and trees in the area to see if they are alike. And after all of his research is said and done, he could finally state, "I have to say that it seems that someone has been here before me." But what could discourage him from doing this?
Let's say that in a nearby area where his farm is located is a guy who says, "I've spent a lot of time scanning this area with my ham radio, and I have no evidence that anybody else besides me and you are here or have ever been here. My radio proves it." Would the farmer accept this as a fact and say, "Well I guess I'm wrong. This must have been caused by a tornado after all." Or would he say, "What the hell do you know? You're scanning with a damn radio and I've got these sticks laid out in a pattern. They've got markings on them which say 'made in Taiwan.' How do you explain that?" "Well you obviously must have placed them there yourself to cause an uproar in the community and to raise your property value." "Hell no!" says our farmer. "The last thing I need is for someone to think I'm a liar. No one will do business with me. I found these sticks here, they weren't made by me or anyone else in the community. I mean, what is Taiwan?" "I'll tell you what," states the man with the radio, "You keep the scanning to me. If there's someone else here or if there has ever BEEN someone else here, I will let you know." At which point he walks away.
What a strange thing seeking the truth has done to our farmer. He was ridiculed and branded as a liar, all because our radio operator 'didn't find any proof' that anything else was out there.
Could it be that this same mindset has befallen our own planet? Our own solar system? We're relying so much on the SETI organization to prove the existence of extra terrestrials that we are overlooking OTHER MEANS of proving their existence.
What if, for instance, we set up a research organization that scanned the skies, not for radio signals, but for physical remains of intelligent beings? Mars sure has a number of interesting artifacts. Are they extraterrestrial? Why hasn't an organization been set up to study this? We could have proof right in front of our very eyes that yes, someone was here before us and possibly still is, but we continue to rely on a method that is yielding no official results. Science itself teaches us that if one method is not working we should try another method, but when it comes to the great search, we're continuing to rely on an inefficient data hunt.
In the few years that we have embarked in space exploration, we've gotten to the point where we can send probes off to other planets to gather needed data. Isn't it possible with a civilization that is billions of years older than us that they have done the same thing and sent out probes to find new planets with new life forms? These probes could be all around us. Physical evidence. Not 'electromagnetic signals.' We're talking the real deal. Will we just sit back and let the radio operator tell us what is and isn't a fact?
There are so many other methods out there for seeking the truth about extra terrestrial intelligence, some of which could take place on our very planet. We could, perhaps find 'stakes made in taiwan' right in our own communities. Could these be what crop circles are? How will we know if we don't look?
In fact, AOP (Anomalistic Observational Phenomena) research has asked these very same questions but public knowledge of them is inexistent. Their teams lack funding, and they lack researchers. They are attempting to do what our radio operators are not: expanding our horizons and suggesting new means of acquiring data, new means of answering questions that we all have had: Is there something out there?
This research needs to be done. SETI @ Home has logged over a million users, and this alone implies great public attention. Now we must broaden our horizons, look through our microscopes, telescopes, ancient burial sites, and surrounding planets so that we can honestly and objectively say that we, as a human species, are not at the top of the civilized ladder. Why? Because there's something out there, and we need to know what it is.
Feel free to redistribute anything written by our staff.
Subject:TMP News: Next Opportunity for MGS to Image the "Face on Mars" on August 27
Date:Tue, 24 Aug 1999 23:59:29 -0800
From:Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada TMP News News and Updates from The Millennium Project
Next Opportunity for MGS to Image the "Face on Mars" (is) on August 27
Editor: Paul Anderson Director of The Millennium Project
The next opportunity for the Mars Global Surveyor to take new images of the controversial "Face on Mars" and other objects in the Cydonia region of Mars, with unparalleled resolution, takes place on August 27, 1999. After that, the next time is not until November. Now is the crucial time to pressure NASA to keep to its publicized commitment to continue to take new images until the matter is settled (or will it ever be?). TMP considers this to be a very important issue, which NASA has neglected for far too long now.
Link to report on The McDaniel Newsletter web site:
Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4
Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522
© The Millennium Project, 1999
Subject:Re: TMP News: Next Opportunity for MGS to Image the "Face on Mars" on August 27 From:
Paul; Good day, sir! You mentioned that we need to get on NASA about this matter (with MGS) Any chance you know where to e-mail them regarding the MGS mapping issue? I would like to suggest that we create a document that is linked to their site by e-mail, so that concerned citizens of planet earth can send a strong a clear message to them that we won't take know NO for an answer in a convenient way, that we can distribute through our global contacts.
Sir Peter of CAUS may also like this idea, and he has thousands of small links. I have some heavy hitters on mine. Let's all work together on this one. eh? Let me know what you think!
Sir Christopher of U.F.O.R.C.
Christopher Montgomery
Subject:TMP News: Addendum - Fax Numbers for NASA and CNN
Date:Thu, 26 Aug 1999 00:23:42 -0800 Status:Normal
From:Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada (
TMP News; News and Updates from The Millennium Project
Addendum - Fax Numbers for NASA and CNN
August 26, 1999
Editor: Paul Anderson, Director; The Millennium Project.
A brief addendum regarding the previous report yesterday on the next opportunity for the Mars Global Surveyor to take new images of the "Face on Mars" on *August 27*, during its current mapping mission.
Here are fax numbers (more effective for this kind of thing than e-mail) for NASA (Dan Goldin) and CNN, which were missing from yesterday's e-mail update:
NASA (Dan Goldin)
Let them know that you want the Face and Cydonia reimaged, and the raw images released *without delay*. There will be another pass by the spacecraft over the region in November. Link to report on The McDaniel Report Newsletter web site
TMP will be adding more information, findings and links relating to this issue in Special Research Projects ( on the web site:
TMP welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to:
Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4
Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522
© The Millennium Project, 1999
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:41:56 EDT
Subject: CAUS Bulletin - Re-imaging Mars
Dear CAUS Members: Due the time limits (tomorrow) I have decided to send this out as a special announcement. Hopefully each of you can take a few minutes tonight or tomorrow and send a fax expressing your feelings about the need for the truth, wherever it may be this case on Mars.
Next Opportunity for MGS to Image the "Face on Mars" on Friday August 27..." CAUS thanks Paul Anderson for alerting CAUS to this opportunity: The next opportunity for the Mars Global Surveyor to take new images of the controversial "Face on Mars" and other objects in the Cydonia region of Mars, with unparalleled resolution, takes place on August 27, 1999. After that, the next time is not until November. Now is the crucial time to pressure NASA to keep to its publicized commitment to continue to take new images until the matter is settled (or will it ever be?). TMP considers this to be a very important issue, which NASA has neglected for far too long now..." *snip*
Let them know that you want the Face and Cydonia reimaged, and the raw images released *without delay*. There will be another pass by the spacecraft over the region in November. Thank you. Peter A. Gersten Director