Personal Contact Experiences, VOL. II
Familial/Adult PCEs
UFORC thanks CAUS and Mark for sharing this PCE with us: "Something very interesting happened while reading yourlatest chapter in the Ultimate Secret. I found myself reading information that was already in my past. The Atlanteans that hid this celestial compass on Titan, I believe I was part of. Your story unfolds uncanningly like my life and just recently I ran into an old friend who I haven't seen in a long time. He began to reveal to me an incident that happened to us along time ago with a few other of his friends driving us around in his pickup truck. We were driving along the out skirts of a pond when suddenly we all spotted a bright light coming in from over thetop of the water. It blinded us so bad that the driver had to stop. After the light went away we started moving again, but we now were going in the opposite direction. It blew all our minds, that's when someone noticed a 2 hour loss of time. No one ever talked about that night until yesterday when I ran into my old friend Dominic. I was actually asking him about his feelings on UFOs because of another experience I had alone some years later, when he paused and began to relay this event that took place in our past. He seemed very disturbed and disoriented while he told me about it. He complained about his head hurting and wanted to know if I thought he was nuts. I felt myself begin to remember that night and the five of us driving around the pond, but afterthat I REMEMBERED NOTHING. In fact I wouldn't have recalled that at all if it wasn't for Dominic. I was so freaked out about his story that I neglected to tell him about my singular UFO experience. Peter please bare with me, I want to answer your question about my personal experience but I needed to express this recent recall I had because it must be connected with that first experience, it may even go back farther I just don't recall any other situations that were out of the ordinary so to say.My senior yearbook quote was "We are the key to the universe, ready tounlock it" and little did I KNOW how true that would be in later years to come. I for some reason have known about Atlanteans and their highly evolved society. Whether I am a reincarnated Atlantean I'm not sure but what I do know is I am partof a big puzzle that is slowly revealing all it's hidden messages and meanings. My second UFO encounter was very unique in that l had traveled out of mybody to a spaceship and was looking back at my actual body that was standing on the bridge. While I was aboard this ship in spirit I made the acquaintance of 3 beings who claim to be with me at all times. I was told that they needed mebecause of my ability to create things . My experience was pleasant and non-obtrusive. It actually gave me a new direction to follow. As I looked back at myself from the ship I felt weird that I could see myself and that all that was left behind was a shell. I thought to myself I wonder if I could manipulate the clouds tomake the image of my face appear. So I concentrated and as I looked out backat myself on the bridge I noticed that I was no longer on the ship anymore, I was now standing back on the bridge LOOKING AT THE MOON LIT NIGHT WITH THE CLOUDS HOVERING in the distance. To my surprise I was still lookingat myself only now it was within the clouds. As soon as I BEGAN REENTERINGMY BODY I could see two black helicopters circling the area I was in. I felt trapped and astonished because even though I could see the helicopters I couldn't hearthem. So in a panic I began to run thinking oh my god I wasn't supposed tosee this.As I approached the middle of the bridge I remembered that I had a camerawith me so without even framing the picture I held it over my head and snapped a shot. What I remember last is finishing my decent to the end of the bridge while the sound of the camera's auto rewind echoed in the night. It was the very last shot in the camera. That's no coincidence by any means. Anyway when I reached the very edge of the bridge, trying to reach the place I had parked my car I SAW ANOTHER BRIGHT LIGHT. When I awoke I found myself back in my cardisorientated and felt a loss of time. I proceeded home not knowing what hadtranspired that night.Years later I was going through some old pictures, when Icame across this one that seemed to reach out to me. It looked like just apicture of the moon coming through the clouds and that I saved it because itwas unique for some strange reason. After further analysis of the picture, I found an image of me projected within the clouds. Their is a yellowish orange with a tinge of green color that emanates from the whole image . It looks like static electricity. Also in the very lower left corner of the picture was a black helicopter observing the cloud formation. Their were pito tubes and a satlink antenna built into the copter.I spoke with some military friends of mine who worked on the reconnaissance helicopters and new all about them. He was surprised to hear me describe the helicopters as I had no prior knowledge of the equipment thatwas issued to these highly dynamic helicopters. In fact when I told himwhere I saw them he said their was no reason for them to have been in that area for any other reason than surveillance of some kind. This just pushed me deeper and deeper into the need to understand the picture more.There are many hidden images within this photo which include a skeletalalien's face within the center of my third eye area of the cloud formation.I have so much more to say but will leave you with this to ponder for a bit.I am willing to send you the picture if you so desire. I have no web page soI need a place to send it." *snip*
UFORC CASE NO. CAUS#JUL999C001Adult**********************************************
There is an incredible amount of case studies that have come forth through the efforts of CAUS, an organization that strives to reveal the truth about the UFO phenomenon. If anyone ever wanted to know why so many people have remained silent about their contact with alleged extraterrestrials, just read the following story and you'll know...WHY?*************************************************