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PCEs: Personal Contact Experiences

Childhood Contact Experiences, VOLUME II

(See also UFORC CASE No. CAUSJUL999C001A)

1) UFORC thanks CAUS and J.J. for this PCE: I am only 13 but I still remember my vivid abduction about 3 years ago. I'm sleeping nicely until I could sense there are beings around me. I try to lift my head but then suddenly a hand comes in front of my face and pushes my head down without even touching it. From then on it was like I was paralyzed, there was sweat running from my head into my eyes but I didn't feel like wiping it. There was seven of them, I remember now, 3 on each sides of my bed and a taller one at the end. The one closer to me on my right side was doing everything, waving its hand in front of my face, I got a good look at it. It was thin, grey, ( I think the aliens were "the greys" ) and had a short claw that curved at the end. I try to lift up my arm, I have to look from the corner of my eye down at it (I couldn't lift my head.) There were no straps or anything on it but for some reason I couldn't lift it up. I think they sensed that I was afraid because at that moment they backed away and left me. Then my arm shot up in the air from all that effort and I noticed I was awake and in my own room and I stayed awake all that night. Then the most weirdest thing happened to me in my life so far. When I was going to school my mum buys the Hearald Sun (an Australian newspaper) and I read some of it then I came across an article about that UFOs were seen across the whole of the east coast. That would explain it because I live in Melbourne and they say that it is included in the east coast. I will never forget it because after the experience I been into so much about Ufology and all I practically read about is factual UFO and crop circle stuff and especially the crop circles I love them! Thank you to the readers that read this and I hope someone believes me. CAUS#JUL999C001C

2) CAUS thanks D.F. for sharing this PCE with us: I have not shared my experiences in a public form before, but for truth to reign supreme, it is time we come out of the closet, so to speak. I would prefer my email address not be issued at this time. From the days of my youth (I am now 39) I have had strange dreams that would leave me with night terrors upon awakening. Often, the dream would continue to unfold in my conscious mind as I would drift back in out of consciousness. The lasting impression I would often have from this nightmare, was the notion of eternity, neither bad nor good, just endless expansion and endless time. I am not sure why this is so terrorizing. Perhaps, because it makes me feel so small. The dream particulars are often difficult to remember the next morning. One night, as a teenager, I experienced a being in my closet. This entity expressed it's desire for me to join them, but the idea of leaving my bed and entering the closet seemed foreboding, to say the least. There was a strong sense of evil. This thing seemed to communicate in a foreign language, perhaps nonverbally within my mind I cannot say for sure. It harassed me all night and as I threw pillows at the closet door and would kick the door shut with my foot, but it would always open up again. I remember cursing this beast and being quite angry at it's persistence. Finally, I was able to free myself from it's mental grip and remove myself from the room. For some reason I was unable to go wake my parents who were in the next room, but I did go downstairs, took some aspirin and my temperature, to see if I was feverish, and laid on the couch for a while until the terror passed. I felt drawn, for some very strange reason to return to my bedroom, and unfortunately I did return and the trials and temptation continued through the night until sunrise. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep that night and in fact, found the pillows on the floor by the closet, the aspirin and thermometer by the couch, so indeed this experience was more than just your typical dream. For years afterward, I slept with a light on in my room, and to this day when I return to my parents house and enter my old bedroom, the first thing I look at is that dang closet. It still gives me the shivers. I have continued to experience the eternity dreams from time to time and recently have had this extraordinary compulsion to read anything and everything related to spiritual matters (questing for the grail, so to speak), UFOs, ancient manuscripts, conspiracy revisionist history, et al. I am fortunately wise enough and financially lucky too perhaps, that I have been able to drop out of "normal" society and devote my entire time to this quest. There is power in the statement "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free .." I don't know where we are going, as a world, but I do know something big is in the works. [UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL999C002C]

UFORC Case No. CAUSJUL899C001-2
Childhood PCE

1.)UFORC thanks CAUS and Linda for sharing her PCEs with us: My first memory was when I was 5 years old. I didn't see a spaceshipbut some humanoids "beamed" in and had a talk with me about something Ican't recall. I remember there was a woman with them and I thought she had come to make me feel more at ease. I had polio as a child and wasvery sensitive and intuitive. I could "hear" celestial music and such.As a teen I began to have experiences of missing time and thought I madeup that expression. I also started "falling asleep" at unusual times.But to this day it feels different to me than falling asleep. It feelslike losing consciousness. It always happened when I was left alone andI became quite frightened because I felt like someone was coming for meduring those "blackouts" as we use to call them.I also had many night time visitors. Some wore black hooded capes.Some were women. Others I couldn't see. I became very frightened atnight time but finally realized I was never hurt. I would run and getin bed and cover my head so I didn't have to see anyone but was nolonger afraid. I just hated it when they sat on the bed.I was diagnosed with narcolepsy but I had normal brain waves. The only reason they were sure it was narcolepsy is that I had cataplexy also.It is like having sleep paralysis but you are awake and it would lastabout 30 seconds.I remember lamenting the fact that I would probably never have childrenand I had a dream of someone bringing my children to me--a boy and agirl and I got to hold them. I had crossed a green pasture and after years of doing dream researh this signaled an OBE experience and I amalso a lucid dreamer and I thought as I held the children that this isno dream. I could feel their little muscles. This happened long beforeI had ever heard of anything like hybrids but I did miscarry earlier.I have learned to relax about the abduction experiences . The last timeI was taken and found myself on the table I woke up and saw several greys and one bigger and thinner one He was the leader. I started topanic and he noticed but the grays were going about their business. Ithought "Oh no! Not this again!" and then I thought that I would sleepthrough it.(Being able to put yourself to sleep at will is a useful yogitrick) The larger one nodded like he agreed that sleep was a good idea and I slept through it. I just wonder if somehow contact is altering our serotonin levels. They say abductions happen in families. So does low seratonin levelsThere has been something that has been on my mind a long time. I amwondering if there is some kind of link between abductees and a seratonin deficiency. This deficiency can show up as depression, sleepdisorders, night terrors, sleep paralysis and narcolepsy in it's extremeform. These are all treated with anti-depressants which make serotoninavailable in the brain. Serotonin is the brain chemical that gives a person a sense of well being. It seems like so many abductees have so many of these symptoms. Does constant abduction cause so much stressthis is a result? Are they doing something to us that is causing this?I am curious if anyone else has noticed this.UFORC CASE No. CAUSJUL#99C001

2)UFORC thanks CAUS and Mark for sharing this PCE with us: Something very interesting happened while reading your latest chapter in the Ultimate Secret. I found myself reading information that was already in my past. The Atlanteans that hid this celestial compass on Titan, I believe I was part of. Your story unfolds uncanningly like my life and just recently I ran into an old friend who I haven't seen in a long time. He began to reveal to me an incident that happened to us along time ago with a few other of his friends driving us around in his pickup truck. We were driving along the out skirts of a pond when suddenly we all spotted a bright light coming in from over thetop of the water. It blinded us so bad that the driver had to stop. After the light went away we started moving again, but we now were going in the opposite direction. It blew all our minds, that's when someone noticed a 2 hour loss of time. No one ever talked about that night until yesterday when I ran into my old friend Dominic. I was actually asking him about his feelings on UFOs because of another experience I had alone some years later, when he paused and began to relay this event that took place in our past. He seemed very disturbed and disoriented while he told me about it. He complained about his head hurting and wanted to know if I thought he was nuts. I felt myself begin to remember that night and the five of us driving around the pond, but afterthat I REMEMBERED NOTHING. In fact I wouldn't have recalled that at all if it wasn't for Dominic. I was so freaked out about his story that I neglected to tell him about my singular UFO experience. Peter please bare with me, I want to answer your question about my personal experience but I needed to express this recent recall I had because it must be connected with that first experience, it may even go back farther I just don't recall any other situations that were out of the ordinary so to say.My senior yearbook quote was "We are the key to the universe, ready tounlock it" and little did I KNOW how true that would be in later years to come. I for some reason have known about Atlanteans and their highly evolved society. Whether I am a reincarnated Atlantean I'm not sure but what I do know is I am partof a big puzzle that is slowly revealing all it's hidden messages and meanings. My second UFO encounter was very unique in that l had traveled out of mybody to a spaceship and was looking back at my actual body that was standing on the bridge. While I was aboard this ship in spirit I made the acquaintance of 3 beings who claim to be with me at all times. I was told that they needed mebecause of my ability to create things . My experience was pleasant and non-obtrusive. It actually gave me a new direction to follow. As I looked back at myself from the ship I felt weird that I could see myself and that all that was left behind was a shell. I thought to myself I wonder if I could manipulate the clouds tomake the image of my face appear. So I concentrated and as I looked out backat myself on the bridge I noticed that I was no longer on the ship anymore, I was now standing back on the bridge LOOKING AT THE MOON LIT NIGHT WITH THE CLOUDS HOVERING in the distance. To my surprise I was still lookingat myself only now it was within the clouds. As soon as I BEGAN REENTERINGMY BODY I could see two black helicopters circling the area I was in. I felt trapped and astonished because even though I could see the helicopters I couldn't hearthem. So in a panic I began to run thinking oh my god I wasn't supposed tosee this.As I approached the middle of the bridge I remembered that I had a camerawith me so without even framing the picture I held it over my head and snapped a shot. What I remember last is finishing my decent to the end of the bridge while the sound of the camera's auto rewind echoed in the night. It was the very last shot in the camera. That's no coincidence by any means. Anyway when I reached the very edge of the bridge, trying to reach the place I had parked my car I SAW ANOTHER BRIGHT LIGHT. When I awoke I found myself back in my cardisorientated and felt a loss of time. I proceeded home not knowing what hadtranspired that night.Years later I was going through some old pictures, when Icame across this one that seemed to reach out to me. It looked like just apicture of the moon coming through the clouds and that I saved it because itwas unique for some strange reason. After further analysis of the picture, I found an image of me projected within the clouds. Their is a yellowish orange with a tinge of green color that emanates from the whole image . It looks like static electricity. Also in the very lower left corner of the picture was a black helicopter observing the cloud formation. Their were pito tubes and a satlink antenna built into the copter.I spoke with some military friends of mine who worked on the reconnaissance helicopters and new all about them. He was surprised to hear me describe the helicopters as I had no prior knowledge of the equipment thatwas issued to these highly dynamic helicopters. In fact when I told himwhere I saw them he said their was no reason for them to have been in that area for any other reason than surveillance of some kind. This just pushed me deeper and deeper into the need to understand the picture more.There are many hidden images within this photo which include a skeletalalien's face within the center of my third eye area of the cloud formation.I have so much more to say but will leave you with this to ponder for a bit.I am willing to send you the picture if you so desire. I have no web page soI need a place to send it. *snip*.UFORC Case No. CAUSJUL899C002

Personal Contact Experiences (PCEs), Childhood and Familial

Childhood/Familial PCEs

1) UFORC thanks CAUS and Elder *snip* for sharing this PCE: "When I was a little boy I was lying on the living room sofa and felt like I couldn't move and in a sleep of some kind. My parents and sister in the kitchen seemed totally missing. Two or three "skeleton-like" beings with large eyes [as it appeared to a 3 year-old boy] picked me up off of the sofa and slowly carried me into mom and dad's bedroom. It seemed like time was standing still. They then pointed my head towards the huge mirror on the dresser and proceeded to put me into the mirror, but at the moment that my head touched the mirror I remember being very scared and very resistant, and my fight seemed to discourage the beings and I returned to the sofa and awoke thereafter, running to mom and dad "'screaming bloody murder.'" [UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL1699C001]

CHILDHOOD PCEs: Childhood/Familial
2) UFORC thanks CAUS and Jeff *snip* for sharing his PCE: "It's time for me to support the CAUS and I plan to do so by going into my PCE. I hope this will help anyone out there that is having trouble incoming to terms with there own PCE. To start out I was born in a very small town in Hopkinsville KY, wherethere is nothing said about abduction, sightings, the unknown, etc. (Nowafter years of research I find there was one more abduction there amajor one)When I was around 6 I had the beginning of what was to become a frequenthappening. I went to bed one night (I can remember it like it wasyesterday) when all of the suddenly I remember my parents running intomy room grabbing me and running into the kitchen. After we entered thekitchen lights filled the room like you could not believe. The lightswhere all coming from the outside through the windows.I remember setting on the floor while my parents where running aroundscared trying to figure out what was happening and what to do. The outside of the house and the inside of the house was full of, what I guessyou could say, was a light low rising fog. ( I don't know why I wouldremember that but I do)I remember seeing a being outside, it was not like what the typicalabductee describes. The being was a mixture of descriptions. The bestway for me to give a description of this being would be a mixture of areptoid being and a gray being. Very very tall. Thenagain I was 6 so everything looked tall I guess. They just seemed verytall.I remember them finally getting into the house and coming over to me.They just seemed to be uninterested in my parents and just me. Thenwhat makes me very mad is that I go blank! (However my parents don'tremember it at all even though I have asked them about it manytimes)The next memory that comes to me, was when I was 13.I remember that I was 13 because I came down with a very oddsickness. I went to the best Dr. around and none of them could figureout what it was or how I got it. Finally after being the centerpieceof a Dr. seminar they came to the conclusion that I had Chronic FatigueSyndrome. (I read a few months ago in the CAUS news letter that thereis a connection. I could not believe I read it because I had alwaysthought there might be one. Now there is)After about 6 months past I started to feel like my old self again, thecontacts stopped; however, now I had something in my left mid arm that Ihad no clue to what it was.Then this piece in my arm acted very weird whenever it would get hardand red I would have some type of alien contact or sighting. Thiswent on and on until I was 20.Now the big change is that now at age 20 the contacts were different Ionly remember a white-gray being in my room that was maybe 5'6"or so. But the big change for myself was that I was scared to deathto turn the lights off, to be out late to do anything alone. Here a 20year old in college afraid to be alone without the lights on. Howskittish right? Well, throughout out that year I had so many encounters Ican't count them all on my hands. I can't remember anything besidesthem coming to me 5 or 6 of them at a time. Sometimes It makes me somad I can't remember anything after that. I just became more and moreterrified. Until this year when everything stopped. I am 21 andhaven't had an encounter or anything like it for almost a year now. I don't understand it and I don't think I ever will." [UFORC Case No. CAUS#JUL1699C002].

3.) UFORC thanks CAUS and Robert *snip* for sharing his PCE with us: "In 1967 I accepted a job in upstate New York. At the time I had four children and our family relocated from Ohio to a rural farm between Franklin and Unadilla. The house was built in sections as so many old farmsteads are in that area. The oldest section was the dining room that was built before 1800. It was only one story with an unheated attic above it. Access to this area was from the upstairs hall in an attached two-story Federal style section, probably built around 1830.The unheated attic over the dining room was a storage area for furnishings belonging to the landlord. It was off limits to my children. It did contain dolls, children's furniture and some toys so it was an attractive nuisance. Frequently the door to the attic would be found open and the light turned on. The kids were blamed and warned to stay out. Of course they denied they were in there, but that was the normal routine for any violation of the rules.We began to hear noises in the house that we attributed to the steam radiators. One common sound was a steady thump that sounded as though it was coming from a wall between two bedrooms. There were creaks and groans we believed were the normal settlings of an old house.All this changed when we went on vacation and left our dog to be cared for by friends. They came to the house daily for a week and fed the dog. They also turned off the attic light and closed the door daily, even though no one was in the house. After that, we came to call these experiences our poltergeist. There was nothing which seemed ominous and the house had no aura of danger or evil. My sister came to visit and was to sleep upstairs in one of the two bedrooms where the thumps could be heard. Although she was unaware of the happenings we were experiencing, when she reached the top of the stairs, adjacent to the attic door, she came down and refused to go back up or sleep there. She said she had a bad feeling about the upper floor.We continued to experience these phenomena for about 18 months when an event occurred which was so strange and so unsettling that it changed all of our attitude about the house and its properties. It was in the early winter of 1969. I was sleeping in the master bedroom with my wife. I had a vivid dream in which I was in the kitchen of the house. Furniture moved about the kitchen by itself and the thermostat in the kitchen was moved all the way up. Fire broke out in the kitchen without any apparent source. It doesn't sound terrifying, but to me it was. I was filled with dread. As the fire spread, I felt an ice cold hand on my groin and I was immediately wide awake, but unable to speak or move. I lay there immobile for a long time, wide awake. As I lay petrified in the bed, my wife awoke and started to go to the bathroom which was located in the far end of the house just off the kitchen. Because of my dream I felt it was dangerous to go there, but I was unable to warn her. She returned and went to sleep. I continued to lay there essentially frozen until I fell asleep. The next morning was a weekend and we were at breakfast. The dream was still vivid and I was telling about all the kinetic movement of the chairs and how the thermostat was turned up and about the fire. My wife said that when she came into the kitchen, it was illuminated and she thought a car was in the drive with the lights shining in the window. She looked out but nothing was there although the room was still illuminated. Remember, this was a farmhouse. There were no street lights and no exterior illumination at all. My oldest son also said he had come to the kitchen on the way to the bathroom and both the kitchen and the bathroom was lit although no lights were on. As we were sitting there, we noticed the room was hot. I went to the thermostat and, as in my dream, it was turned all the way up. I moved it back to its normal setting and was returning to the table when flames erupted from the toaster scorching the curtains at the window. I pulled the toaster away from the curtains and when the flames subsided, I found the thermostat on the toaster to be turned all the way up as well.Shortly after this I was transferred out of state. We left the farm that summer, but we still talk about what happened there. It made us believers in the paranormal.A tall tale? No, it's true. Coincidence? Perhaps. Poltergeist? Maybe, but seeing the similar experiences in your newsletter, maybe it was a UFO phenomenon. Incidentally, while writing this report, my computer, which never gives me any trouble, locked up four times. Probably just another coincidence." {UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL1699C003].

UFORC COMMENTARY: This is not just coincidence here. The volumes of case reports that chronicle contact between a highly intelligent race of beings and ourselves is far too great to ignore any longer. Rather than turn away from someone claiming to have had contact with these beings, let us give them our support and lend an understanding ear. Many of these people have been ridiculed for their experiences.


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