Over the years, there have been numerous reports of UFOs appearing in clouds.  They have also been reported to generate clouds around themselves.  The UFO may use the cloud as a cloaking device.  It may also be a sequential part of their function. There have been many uses of the word cloud in the Greek and Hebrew texts.  Here are some examples...


"Behold, a radiant cloud overshadowed them..."  God spoke through the cloud, identifying Christ as his son.  Here, the Greek word for cloud is nephele, (pr. nef-el-ay), literally indicating the form of a cloud.  Radiant is photeinos (pr. fo-ti-nos) indicating it was bright and full of light.  Very similar to the reports of some of the more effulgent UFOs.


An interesting side note; the Bible also says that Elijah and Moses were there with Jesus; their appearance coinciding with the effulgent cloud object that settled on the mount. Both of those Old Testament prophets were directly associated with the UFO phenomenon; Moses the Pillar-shaped UFO and Elijah the skipping, hopping vehicles. Elijah had called them "Chariots of Fire."

It says that this man called Jesus was changed in appearance, or "transfigured." His appearance was "very Bright" as if his form was very effulgent. His face "shone like the sun" and his clothes were very radiant, as "white as light;" Could this indicate that a dopplerized field of radiation was influencing the apparition of JESUS? Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah." While Peter was still speaking, suddenly, a bright cloud overshadowed them. The Bible says that a voice came "from the cloud" and it said;

"This is my son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him!

The association between the cloud UFO in Matthew 17:1-8; and the pillar of cloud UFO found in Hebrews 1:4 is clear. Verse says that the desciples fell on their faces in fear, as Bible calls it. Jesus touched His prostrate desciples and said... "Rise, and have no fear"

The Bible says that "they lifted up their eyes; but they saw no one... only Jesus!"(Downing p109 See also Montgomery "The Fear Paralyis" research)

ACTS 1:9

"He was taken up and a cloud recieved him..."  This passage relates to Christ's ascension in a cloud.  Here again the Greek word nephele is used, indicating that it was a physical object which took Christ and literally "removed him from their sight."  It relates directly to an appearance of two men clothed in white apparel, which is described in Acts 1:10-11.

ACTS 1:10-11

Two angels appeared to the awestruck crowd who'd watched Christ leave in a cloud, (nephele). They informed the group that Christ would "...return in the same manner which they had seen him go."  They said he had been taken into heaven.  The Greek word for heaven is ouranos, (pr. oo-ran-ee-os), meaning the sky, by extension, the abode of God.  The incredible speeds and impossible maneuvers of the UFOs would seem to indicate that they are not governed by our laws of physics but rather operate multi-dimensionally.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________


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