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Laurance Rockerfeller to Fund UK’s Crop Circle Survey
US billionaire funds crop circle research: BBCUS billionaire Laurance Rockefeller is to fund the UK's biggest survey ofcrop circles.Scientists will be carrying out aerial research over Wiltshire next month inthe hope of finding out once and for all whether the mysterious patterns are genuine or the work of hoaxers.Some believe they are created by UFOs during nocturnal visits. Others saythey are connected to ancient "ley lines", or put it down to natural phenomena such as unusual forms of lightning. The first few crop circles of the season have already appeared in several West Country fields. The area has long been the focal point of those in Britain who believe that the circles are the work of extra terrestrial forces. Last year a US Website advertised week-long tours of UK crop circles priced at $2,199 per person. Until now research has been carried out by amateurs and enthusiasts, known as croppies. But there is a growing scientific discipline based around the study, known as cereology. Mr. Rockefeller, a former US congressman, has given his financial backing tothe UK's largest and most scientific study. Mr. Rockefeller, scion of the famous dynasty, has a long standing interest inUFOs and other bizarre phenomena. He has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to UFO abduction researcher John Mack. Mr. Rockefeller also funds the Starlight Coalition, which wants to end what it says is US Government secrecy on UFOs. His organization has already built up the biggest crop circle database, and will be working with private detectives and the National Farmers Union.

CREDIT: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy; CAUS UPDATES
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 01:32:07 -0700 (PDT)


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