UFOs AND THE NEW MILLENIUM     Excerpts From The UFOSSI Papers Published as "UFOs and the Psychological Paradigm"

Carl Jung presented an interesting perspective on the UFO phenomenon.  Their significance as an aspect of our collective subconscious cannot be ignored.  He was completely aware that the phenomenon existed.  The father of the psychological aspect of this phenomenon, he presents some startling revelations about man’s association with the UFO and the inner workings of his mind.  He leaves me with the impression that the UFO phenomenon exists as a projection of our collective psyche.

"These rumors, or the possible physical existence of such objects, seem to me so significant that I feel myself compelled, as once before when events were brewing of fateful consequence for Europe, to sound a note of warning.  I know that, just as before my voice is much too weak to reach the ear of the multitude.  It is not presumption that drives me, but my conscience as a psychiatrist that bids me fulfil my duty and prepare those few who will hear me for coming events which are in accord with the end of an era.”  - Dr. CARL G. JUNG (FLYING SAUCERS,*  page 15).

There is a lot of truth in what he’s saying. The appearance of UFOs is significant throughout history, and heralds major changes in the world arena.  In ancient history (Egypt) as in other major cultures that existed throughout the historical record, Jung is quick to point out that the appearance of the UFO is just as significant today as it was then. 

FLYING SAUCERS was written before Jung’s death on June 6, 1961.  This was a time when the UFO Phenomenon was well established in the public eye.  And Jung was well aware of the significance of its appearance.  As we approach the new millenium, the year 2000 AD marks a major turn on the centennial calendar.  It has been 1,000 years since the last millennial turnover, and the appearance of the UFO phenomenon around the turn of the century marks the last 100 years of this one. 

The UFO accompanies and “brings about long-lasting transformations of the human psyche,” says Jung.  These revelations have left an indelible mark throughout human history and left permanent traces of it in its wake.  Jung says that “reflections such as these” are extremely “unpopular.”  He was willing to place his “hard-won reputation for truthfulness, trustworthiness, and scientific judgement in jeopardy.”  I believe that he risked it all for the sake of the common good.  And his words are worth repeating at this, the advent of the new millenium.*   I applaud you, Dr. Carl G. Jung!  

“This transformation started within the historical tradition and left traces behind it, first in the transition from the age of Taurus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity.  We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring-point enters Aquarius.  It would be frivolous of me to conceal from the reader, that reflections such as these are not only exceedingly unpopular but come perilously close to those turbid fantasies which becloud the minds of world-improvers and other interpreters of “signs and portents.”  - Dr. CARL G. JUNG  



* FLYING SAUCERS: A Modern Myth of Things Seen In The Sky © 1959 Dr. Carl G. Jung; A Mentor Book, Div of Signet Books; New York NY; "Forward" © 1969 Martin Ebon; The New American Library; First printing was in 1969, Signet books; With permission from original publishing by Harcourt, Brace and Jvanovich; translated from Jungs native tongue, German.

** This research paper, "UFOs and the New Millenium," was written by Christopher Montgomery © 1999

REVISIONS; Sentence and paragraph structure, May 9, 2000; byline and title Dated #010101



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