UFO Flap Area, San Luis Valley

CAUS shares with you a summary by CAUS Board member Chris O'Brien ( tmv@amigo.net) (http://home.amigo.net/tmv) author of The Mysterious Valley (1996) and Enter The Valley (1999 St. Martin's Paperbacks)on the strange occurrences in Colorado's San Luis Valley:Weather here has finally edged into spring and reports of anomalous activity are being received. Just over one year has passed since a report of an unusual animal death in the greater San Luis Valley. May 4, 1999, North of Questa, NM Taos County MUTILATION (NIDS/Valdez/Staehlin/Taos News/Phaedra Greenwood)Cattle ranch manager Tom Reed reports finding a mutilated cow about a mile from his ranch house Tuesday morning. The animal had apparently been killed the night before. (This is approximately the 10th "mute" case the ranch has experienced since 1993, including a case that featured ritualistic occult sign around the site.) The 4 yr-old red Angus cow was found laying on its left side missing its tongue and right ear. A large gash was present on the neck and the animal appeared to have large bruises on its right side. Reed immediately contacted ex-NM State Patrol officer Gabe Valdez (who has been working w/ the National Institute of Discovery Sciences--headed by real-estate tycoon Robert Bigelow), to investigate. The 900 lb. animal was loaded into Greenwood's truck and taken to a diagnostic lab in Santa Fe, NM. Albuquerque investigator Gail Staehlin also investigated and obtained soil and plant samples for testing by BLT Research Group, headed by Dr. WC Levengood. [BLT has an agreement w/ NIDS to be notified of any cases investigated by NIDS. NIDS did not honor their agreement and did not contact BLT concerning these reports. Real team players over at NIDS --tmv]Staehlin gathered samples independently and also obtained radiation readings around the site. She found a small patch of soil from the rear-end of the cow showed a "29 rad increase" above normal background readings. This reading was triple checked and was considered anomalous by the investigator. Results of testing when (and in the case of NIDS, they are made availableUNCONFIRMED May 8, 1999, North of Questa, NM Taos County, MUTILATION (Staehlin)I received a call last night from Gail Staehlin reporting a possible 2nd case. Ranch manager Tom Reed asked Staehlin if there were any satanic and/or pagan holidays going on. [beltane was on May Ist--tmv] More details after Staehlin's report is filed with this investigator.This weekend, I received an interesting phone call from a local San Luis Valley veterinarian. It seems one of his cows died from very peculiar circumstances. "Just after she was bred last year, something tore up her vagina real good. The scar tissue was so extensive, it closed her up." The calf died inside the cow, which killed the cow. "Chris, I called 'cause I know you are into this weird stuff, and this was pretty weird. I've never in all my years as a vet seen anything like it."I also received a strange call from a local sheriff's deputy who claimed he saw "the angel of death from that Michael J. Fox Movie [The Frighteners]" It seems he was working graveyard traveling down a neighborhood street at 3 AM, following a truck, when suddenly the truck slammed on its brakes. "The driver had his head out of the window and was watching this thing" fly by--directly in front of both vehicles. The Deputy noted it was "it was dark colored; about 8' long" and he told me, "I saw it plain as day, you couldn't have missed it -- it flew right in front of me!" Mar 8, 1999 at 8:30 PM, Black Lake, NM; Colfax/Mora County. A bright white light [similar to the lights in the Feb 19 sighting] appeared to rise from behind the mountains (just to the south of their location), to the altitude of a passing jet. The light "paced the plane--sitting 15 miles behind it" as the two headed south toward Las Vegas, NM.Mar 4, 1999 at 11:00 PM north of Del Norte, CO Airfield AN1 Rio Grande County, A couple that live near the Del Norte, CO airstrip call to report watching "a large straw-colored light hovering over Jeep Hill," 1/4 mile away to the SW of their house. They estimated the size of the light to be "15 feet in diameter." Craft/object/light then turned on a spotlight which illuminated the area below it. Witnesses told me this was the second sighting of a similar light/event in the area; the first event occurred in the late Fall '98.Sun Feb 21, 1999 at 10:15 AM Westcliffe, CO FB1 Custer County Two witnesses (one of them a pilot) report two jet fighters, one in front of the other) flying W to E at 50,000' in altitude at between 1,000 and 1,500 mph. Pacing the second jet was an object that seemed about 10,000' below the jets. This object was rounded and was reflecting a goldenish color. The jets left contrails the third object did not. The pilot/witness was puzzled by how fast all three craft were traveling. "They were definitely flying faster than the speed of sound."Fri Feb 19, 1999 between 9:30 PM and 10:00 PM, 1/4 mile south of Black Lake, NM--about 23 miles SE of Taos, NM, CE1 Duration: 5-10 minutes Mora/Colfax Counties. A couple w/ a south facing house witness 2 objects (each w/ a single brilliant white light) rise from the Coyote Canyon area NE of Chacon, NM. about 2 miles south of their home. Lights viewed under binoculars were "rapidly oscillating as if they were rapidly spinning." Woman witness described the lights as being between their vantage point and the mountains 2 miles away. The lights were described as being ". . . so bright they left an afterimage" when the witnesses looked away. Within minutes of the commencement of the sighting the first two objects/lights were joined by 4 similar lights/craft. 1st two objects stopped out "in front of the living room window" and "began bouncing around like they wanted our attention." Then, the group of lights headed down to the lake for several minutes before 2 of the objects went straight up and the other 4 "drifted off over the mountains to the South." No sound was associated with the entire episode and in the witnesses estimation, there was "no way they were helicopters." Woman estimated they were less than a mile away at their closest approach and completely silent. The following day a truck driver told the couple he had been returning up NM 434 after a delivery; at the same time as the couple's sighting, and had also witnessed the 6 unusual lights.Tue Feb 9, 1999 9:55 to 9:58 PM Northern/Middle San Luis Valley Myself and another witness observe a fast moving unblinking dull-orange orb travel NW to SE over the SLV. Object seemed to be below 5,000' in altitude and was 2 to 3X the size of Venus (at setting). Covered the 100 mile distance in about 3 minutes.Thur Feb 4, 1999, 9:30-10:00 PM between San Isabelle and N. Crestone Creek Saguache County AN1. Two witnesses driving south on Highway 17 observe "a brilliant orb of white light" hovering around 200' off the ground to the east of them. At one point during the 35 to 40 second sighting one witness (a retired career Air Force officer) noted the object shot a beam of light at the ground "like it was looking for a place to set down." There are no roads in the area where the object was spotted. The following morning at 7:45 AM, the ex-Air Forcer observed a dark grey van with smoked windows and government plates headed into Crestone. He noticed that the van had "no other markings . . . which seemed odd." He instantly connected the van with the previous night's sighting. He felt ". . . they were looking for whatever we saw the night before."Thur October 8, 1998 10:30 PM, Highway 160; 4 miles west of Blanca, CO MA1/FB1 Alamosa County. R.A.L. West, while headed east on Highway 160 (near the curve 4 miles west of Blanca, CO), observed an amber colored "hemispherical-shaped" light hovering over the Blanca Massif. She estimated the lights size as around Venus-sized. After a few seconds, the object appeared to jump approximately 20 degrees upward. West pulled off the road and parked (with her engine running) to carefully observe the light. The witness is confused and could not completely remember how long she watched, but she guessed "several minutes." The next thing she clearly recalled was the craft flying at a high rate of speed above her car; headed NE to SW. She described a "triangle-shaped array of white and amber lights" blinking sequentially in "patterns" on the underneath side. She could not estimate the crafts altitude, nor was she able to make out the craft's shape or structure. She did not hear any sound except her car engine running. No other cars were on the road in the immediate vicinity, and I have not received any other reports of this event. West mentioned another sighting that m ay have been military related on August 5, 1998 [see August Report section--tmvTue October 13, 1998, 9:00 PM Crestone/Baca Development, CO Saguache County AN1. A "weird amber-colored light" was observed by four witness moving north-to-south. The object appeared to be "way up in the sky," but ". . . was larger and moving faster than a regular satellite." Tue October 27, 1998, 9:30 PM Center, CO Saguache County, AN1.Fabian Sauvo reports an anomalous unblinking bright red light directly north of Hooper, CO. The light at times appeared to hover, but seemed to be traveling slowly SW-to-NE. Calls me real-time and I am able to see the object from my roof. Sauvo after several minutes on the phone to me, was able to describe the above red-lights location, and I observe the light for several seconds before it disappeared into a cloud bank. I waited for a while, but it never emerged from the cloud. The light seemed to be between 4 and 5,000' above the ground and over the Sand Piles on Highway 17; between Hooper and Moffat, CO. [Rare to get a call and be able to simultaneously see an anomalous object a UFO (or military craft?) while on the phone with another witness!--tmv]Sat October 30, 1998, at 11:00 PM, same location CE1.Same witness observes a foot-long oval-shaped object enter through her back door and slowly head up the hallway toward her. She described the anomaly as being "milky-looking with a reflective band around the rim." The band appeared to be like chrome. The witness was so startled she stopped looking at the object which apparently then disappeared. She estimated, at it's closest, it was 10' away from her as it came toward her down the hallway. [I've been waiting for the new owners to report unusual activity in this house.]UFORC CASE# CAUS_MAY1899F001



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