PCEs = Personal Contact Experience

RC Sketch #1(surname at witness request)

Have you had a paranormal encounter with what you believe to be "alien beings?" Email your story to us! You can remain anonymous (if you wish). Send it to: webmaster@uforc.com

FIRST ENCOUNTER: RC says that he had his first experience in late winter or early spring of 1967. At the time, he was living in Des Moines, Washington on the North Hill district of that town. He remembers that Saturday very well. He'd awake just prior to what he believes was his first encounter. He recalls that it was a "very sunny, spring day…the room was very bright. There were no curtains on the windows at that time. He was very lucid when he awoke, and recalls this particular encounter in terrifying detail. When asked about the events of the night before, (Friday), his memory was absent. 

He awoke, lying on his side. He remembers peering out the bedroom window as he faced north. I asked him what he was thinking about when he woke up. "I was thinking about my little red, Tonka dump truck." He recalled for me how he would play in the dirt with his little toy truck. As he was thinking about playing outdoors, it happened. The 7-year old rolled over in his twin bed to face the bedroom door and get out of bed. "There it is, smiling at me. All I could see was its upper body at the time." 

The 7-year old boy's description of this entity was as follows. "Skin color was like burnt skin…like he…his skin was cracked…like he had open sores. His mouth was [small] like that of a child." I asked RC: "Was he wearing any clothes?" RC replied "He was naked. No appearance of clothes were visible." {RC had indicated to me that at the time, he thought that it was a male. ("He was naked…" My thoughts were that this may have only been a screen memory). "It was naked?" I asked. "He was naked," he replied. (RC thought it was a male, but believes that this was only an impression, which was a result of his feelings that it had [power] and "authority over me.") But RC said that he was "certain that it had no gender. It had no sex," RC stated emphatically." 

RC said, "It put me back to sleep." I asked him "When did that occur?" His reply was that "It was about 30-seconds later." According to C. W. Eriksen, "The concept of perceptual defense is used by psychologists to characterize the unconscious tendency of people to omit perceiving what they do not want to perceive." This is often accompanied by a screen memory, further masking the contactee's perceived "reality." What is unusual about this encounter, is that there doesn't appear to be any screen in place, but rather an inducement of sleep. Some, like Vallee, would argue that this was due to some form of radiation affect induced upon the unwilling contact participant. This does not appear to be the case either. 

So what relevance does this have with UFOs? There are numerous case studies in my burgeoning UFO files that suggest that not all contacts with otherworldly beings necessitate a viewing of an unknown object such as a UFO. I cite one example; there are other members of RC's immediate family that have seen UFOs and claim contact with their occupants. Therefore, the evidence would suggest that UFO sightings do not always provide an interaction with its occupants. The reverse is true also, where contact with otherworldly beings does not always necessitate an observation of UFOs. 

RC Paranormal Sketch #2
© 1999, 2000 Christopher Montgomery


RC has MAPP experiences (Mutual Abduction Paradigm Phenomenon). This sketch shows a house that has had repeated hauntings by a troublesome spirit. The homeowner is a personal friend of RC's. RC has had paranormal encounters while in the vicinity of their home. I believe that these events and his "alien" encounters are somehow related.

There is an old wive's tale that salt will frighten evil spirits away, much the same as holy water in the old vampire movies. I would speculate that the salt represents a biblical passage which states we are the salt of the earth, a reference to our inheritance through Christ.

If this is indeed why the salt works, then it would support one biblical hypothesis, which postulates that when we are dead, we are spiritually asleep until judgement day. We are therefore no longer able to interact in this world. I would further speculate that if this is also the case, then whatever we assume to be ghosts, would actually be demonic. There are numerous other Judeo/Christian scholars who would concur.

RC Paranormal Sketch #2
(c)1999 Christopher Montgomery


This is a sketch provided by the eyewitness, who we will call "RC." His name has been changed to protect his identity. 

While traveling through Texas, he had an unusual "ghost" encounter. RC had stopped at a hotel one day to rest up before returning on his road trip. While he was staying there, he encountered what he says was an encounter with the ghost of a murdered girl. She tried to communicate to RC the name and whereabouts of her murderer. RC alledges that when he got out of the shower, the mirror was completely fogged...except where someone had written the word "help me" with their finger. The glass would not fog over that message. This experience occurred around the time of his "alien" encounters in Texas.

The US Government knows who he is. He collects a disability check for what RC calls his inability to work or carry on a normal life after his encounters with the "critters." He has had a host of paranormal encounters along with what he believes is contact with "aliens" and MIBs. In all cases of Personal Contact Experiences, the contactees report strange, paranormal happenings along with those unsual Personal Contact Experiences (PCEs). 

Have you had a paranormal and/or UFO encounter? Send us an E mail with your story to the UFO Resource Center and we'll publish it on the Internet.


UFOs: A SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY © 1999, Christopher Montgomery; Publishing Online; Seattle, WA USA, 247 pp $5.00


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