UFO Symposiums, Conferences and Lectures


1.) Extraordinary News Network (ExNews)In conjunction with the new Extraordinary News Network, CAUS director, Peter A. Gersten will host a weekly audio interview on topics impacting the UFO community. The weekly show was announced recently in an interview with Robert McCoy, founder of Extraordinary News Network, a global forum for sharing unusual information --facts, concepts, possibilities, and speculations intended to foster deeper human inquiry in an environment free from all forms of coercion. Gersten's initial interview with Richard C. Hoagland discusses Richard's views on Chelation Therapy and the Miami Circle. In the weeks to come Gersten plans on interviewing Art Bell about his lawsuit, John Ramses on 11:11, Assistant U.S. attorney Richard Patrick on the CAUS FOIA cases, Peter Davenport on UFO researcher secrecy and many others. For interviews please go to: http://www.xnewsnetwork.com/ OR click on: "Ex News"

UFO Magazine: Beginning with the July issue, CAUS director Peter A. Gersten will have a monthly column in UFO Magazine.

CAUS SPEAKS OUT: CAUS Director Peter A. Gersten will be speaking at the following times and locations:

Weekend, September 4th and 5th, 1999; Bay Area UFO Expo: Marriott Hotel (Formerly the Dunfey Hotel) San Mateo, California.
GUEST SPEAKERS: Gersten, Leir, Davenport, Dean, Leslie, Friedman, Maussan, Hoagland, Greer; Friedman to name a few. For details:http://www.hathorproductions.com/ or Contact Victoria Jack (408) 723-1076; Fax (408)266-4749; E-mail: isis777@earthlink.net


From an E-mail newsletter posted by Paul Anderson, he writes: CPR-Canada News; News and Updates from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada


The next presentation in the Fields of Dreams Lecture Series by Circles Phenomenon Research Canada and The Millennium Project will be on September 11, 1999 in Ferndale, Washington as part of the CONTACT (Center for Ontological Action) Conference, "Making Contact: UFO Sightings and Experiences", along with