UFO Resource Center
Field Investigators Guide Page

(UFO REPORT FORMS: Can Be Found on page 2)

a. Camera (diffraction grating, filters, operating instructions if necessary, and film)
b. Movie Cameras, (8mm BW, and Video Cam with manual/auto focus
c. Binoculars
d. Geiger Counter
e. Flashlight (bring extra batteries)
f. Compass
g. Magnifying Glass
h. Sample Containers, (incl. zip-lock Baggies)
i. Tape Recorder (Tapes)
j. Tape Measure
k. Plaster Casting Material
l. Pocket Spectroscope
m. Geologist's Kit
n. String
o. Star Finder
p. Nautical Almanac
q. Elevation Indicator
r. Arc Indicator (Size)
s. Police Radio monitor
t. CB radio system (portable) u. Tweezers, tongs, forceps,etc. (for gathering evidence)

a. Notebook and Address Book (Contacts)
b. Identification Cards, (FPO, License, etc.)
c. Copy of UFORC Contract
d. Orders
e. Letter of Authorization
f. Maps (of specific areas, geological, other)
g. Road Atlas
h. Auto Sun-visor Identification Card (helpful)
i. Sighting Report Forms/Interview Forms
j. Tax Exempt Certificates (where applicable)

a. Boots
b. Warm Clothing if necessary
c. Air Tickets (or others)
d. Money or Traveler's Checks
e. Credit Cards
f. Briefcase

NOTE: Carry essentials on person - airline luggage can be delayed.

HOW TO VIDEO A UFO by Ivanhoe (ccdesign@flash.net)

"Some things that you can do to assist video analysts determine a fabricated or hoaxed video against the real thing are:
1. Zooming in and out. Zooming increases and decreases both size of image and perspective. Features (objects) that are videotaped move in a proportionate ratio of size/distance. When one zooms, an analyst can extrapolate relative distances of objects, hence eliminating close-up models and reducing the possibility of computer model insertions. So, when videotaping, make sure you do some zooming.
2. Camera movements such as panning, both up and down to include other relative objects that are much closer than the UFO. When a camera is panned to other objects, especially ones that are close up, the camera's autofocus feature will change the lens to focus on the closer object. This also helps to determine that an object, such as a UFO was in fact at a certain distance. It is also difficult for a computer image to "pace" the autofocus characteristics exactly. In other words, it would be difficult to fake a UFO where the camera was first focused at infinity with the UFO in focus, then focus on a close-up object and then back. The time lag in the autofocus feature will bring the UFO in focus along with other distant objects. So, when videotaping, make sure you pan to close up objects then back to the UFO.
3. Briefly move your camera behind some object that will occlude your UFO, then pan back to the UFO. If the UFO you are taping has clear blue sky as a background and nothing in the foreground, it won't fly as "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" footage. If someone passes in front of your camera, or you duck back behind some tree branches, your car, or even slowly pass your own hand in front of the lens (provided your hand is far enough away from the lens to get some focus on it, and the camera can discern a clear edge of your hand) this will be hard to fake and will add more credibility to your video. So, when videotaping, make sure that you temporarily put some other object between your camera and the UFO, especially if that object can provide a crisp edge to occlude the UFO. The best is to briefly obscure only a portion of the UFO.
4. Move with your camera. A camera in real, or quick motion is also hard to fake with most computers. If you can, walk with your camera while taping. If the UFO is close, the background movement will give away its relative distance. If it is far away, it will appear to move with you. Some most convincing video and stills have been taken in moving cars. So, while taping, try to take a few or several steps. (Watch out for cliffs, rotating machinery and that stubborn old bald headed man I sometimes see on the television that said 'There has never been a good picture taken of a UFO.)'"


Credits Kudos: UFORC Thanks everyone responsible for their assistance in helping to assemble the "Field Investigators Guide."


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