UFO Resource Center

The following cases are from eyewitness contact with what many believe to be extraterrestrials. I would prefer the word paradimensionals, because we cannot assume that they are from outer space; nor can we say they are aliens...the reason being that the evidence suggests that this phenomenon has been around for as long as ancestors. They have been called fairies, demons, angels, poltergeists the banshee, leprechauns etc, etc. Therefore, due to their innate ability to pop in and out of our dimensional reality, as well as the ability to conquer the limits of time and space, the title paradimensional would suffice. However, for the sake of identification with the masses, we will refer to their common names.

The common names for those that are actively involved with one on one contact with the extraterrestrials are known by several key names, amongst the more celebrated names are experiencers and contactees. Contact with these beings is not always pleasant and enlightening for most, although many report enlightenment as a result of those experiences. UFORC is actively researching the physiological and psychological dynamics of these encounters. I would safely say that the majority of these contacts are often well kept secrets, which can be traced through familial chains for centuries. The Director of UFORC is currently amassing evidence of the “Familial Connection,” and he would welcome any information along those lines that you may have to offer.

UFORC is always updating and adding to its database. If you are an “experiencer” and have a story that you want to share or feel that it needs to be told, contact us. Many of the staff and field workers at UFORC are contactees themselves; you are telling a receptive audience.

I will let the cases speak for themselves, as this is the best way to familiarize oneself with the phenomenon. I have ommitted names and email addresses to protect the identitiy of the contactees.



1) Recently I have noticed a drastic change in my sons. The oldest willbe two in a matter of weeks and the other is six months. Since birth myoldest has always seemed more aware than most children but I simply chalked that up to his intelligence. Lately though, he refuses to sleep unless the overhead lights in his room are on. He wakes up in the middleof the night crying uncontrollably, shaking with fear. He has lead avery sheltered life, as we have few friends, and we have not taught him to fear anything. Yet he is afraid of everything and especially afraid to be left alone. When he was five months old or so, I placed him next to me in thebed and put a pillow on the other side so he wouldn't fall out of thebed. Around three or four that morning when I woke up I found him in between myself and my husband and the pillow was gone. I do not remember moving him to the center of the bed and my husband says he doesn't either. (He is a very light sleeper.) We have had many encounters with ghosts despite moving three or four times. A few times they have appeared to me in actual human form. Most of the time thoughit's just energy or voices.I thought nothing of all the strange things that were happening until my second son began to do the same things as the first. He too,wakes up in the middle of the night crying uncontrollably. I have taken both of them to a doctor to find out if they were having nightmares or if they woke up with migraines. (I have chronic history of migraine headaches.) Both were given a clean bill of health. My second son has been afraid of water since birth. Every time Ihave to bathe him, it breaks my heart. He will stiffen his body and scream until he turns purple. I do not understand how a newborn child could fear water after spending eight months in the womb. Both of my children were born exactly 27 days before their due dates. Also, both of them have a strange connection with animals. Theycan sit and look at the dog or any of the various animals we have in our house (the count now totals eight animals, six different kinds) andcommunicate with them. I swear without saying a word both of my sons can have conversations with them on any given day. My oldest son had an imaginary dog named "ChooChoo" which ironically is the name of myhusband's dogs when he was a boy. (My husband didn't tell me about hispets until after our son began talking about ChooChoo.) Anyway, our sonwould talk to this imaginary dog and swear it was real. After we finally got him a real dog, our son told us that ChooChoo went away.Our oldest child is remarkably intelligent. He remembers many things the first time they are shown to him. I do not think I would be exaggerating if I said he'll be reading by the time he's three or four.If our children are being abducted how can we stop it? What canwe do to comfort their fears and help them cope with the situation if there is no way to prevent it? I've looked for people online who have the same situation as myself but most of their children are old enough to explain exactly what is happening to them. My youngest child can'teven talk yet. I fear every time I put them to bed that they may be taken against their and my will. Is there anything we can do?

(CHILDHOOD PCE;Imaginary Friends

1.) About ten days ago, my son told me a tale about a monkey that comes down on a string in front of his face. He goes on to say that he grabbed him (the monkey) and that he was little and the monkey said "I love you. Do you love me?" When I asked "What did you say?" He said "Yes." I asked what happened afterwards and he said "shoop" and pointed upward. My son went on later to say that he cried. My child wakes up with round bruises in shapes of squares.Most recently his night terrors included the "alligators" that would try to"eat" him. In the morning he would wake up with clamp marks on the fatty partof his arms and thighs. After consulting with someone in Houston, a researcher became very excited to hear of this activity and we went into depth conversation on this subject during a support group. My son and I are incounseling at the present time.It seems everyone wants to collect data from me; not provide information. Thishas lead to a breakdown of trust in anyone. I have to suppress the embarrassment of ridicule in order to gain knowledge of what is creating an imbalance in ourlives. Our objective is to regain the quality of life we once knew.I am ready to go to them and plea for peace for my child and myself.Basically be a guinea pig in any effort to regain control of my serenity. I cannot go another day of visitation and/or thoughtsuggestion implants. I am too old for this crap and want the quality of my life back.

PCE Childhood/Familial Case Files

1) All right, then, Peter, I would like to share some contact experiences in the hope that perhaps someone in CAUS-land may shed further light on them. My questions/concerns are centered around the tenacity of ET when they follow you to different continents to continue their contact and the purpose of implants.My first remembered contact (abduction?) with beings appearing not to be not from this third dimensional realm occurred in my native Germany when I was around 6 years old. I remember a round, flying object which had taken me onboard, yet cannot consciously remember what had taken place in it. When I first became aware of it consciously, it was hovering close to the ground, hidden by tall trees and vegetation. It was different from a blimp. There was a Zeppelin (blimp) graveyard in our town, full of old airships which had gone down in previous decades. I had visited it before. What I saw was not a Zeppelin. As I walked away from this strange object, I knew that something kind-of scary had just happened to me. Yet, I remember being intrigued, as well. I was aware that the object had just dropped two of us off. It was in an area which was relatively unknown to me, about 1/2 hour's walk from my home. Looking at it, I had a funny feeling in my stomach and was both disoriented and excited. I kept turning around, feeling a great urge to go back--but seemed to somehow be told to go home. There was a heavy sulfur odor in the air. Walking with me was another little girl, who was a stranger to me and whom I never saw again after this. I remember how confused we were, not quite sure what had happened to us. We found our way back to a familiar main road and parted ways. I made it home safely. After the experience I suffered unexplained symptoms and marks on my body, especially in my navel area. My mother was baffled and could not explain the residual pain and marks. For a number of years, these marks and symptoms kept recurring although I have no further conscious memory of contact until I came to the United States in my mid-twenties.I have suspected having an implant somewhere in or around the ear area. As Marina Diamond-Heart recently shared, I also hear a peculiar Morse-code type phenomenon in my ear. At times it's very rapid, at times slower. It seems more noticeable at night.Over the years, my view of these beings, who are different from us, has changed. I have come to think about them as visitors, rather than abductors. Perhaps I have become more comfortable with them--perhaps I have become brainwashed--perhaps these beings are of a different race-type from the ones I encountered in Germany. Even though I abhor the thought of being someone's guinea pig or being experimented on against my conscious wishes, I am relatively comfortable with their visits. Ask anyone. My personal nature is to question everything; yet, somehow what these beings are doing to me seems non-threatening.....leaving me to ask again...am I brainwashed?---a scary thought!As I have no real proof but suspected long that I might have implants, I listened with interest to a professor of Reading University, Department of Cybernetics, United Kingdom, on Friday, May 21, speak about implants can affect our perception of reality.The following, and subsequent, account is the actual reason I am sharing my experiences with you. About a year ago, I awoke in the night because I felt a stinging in my left arm which did not seem to let up. My first panicky thought was that a spider or scorpion had found its way into my bedroom (as had before--I live in AZ). I tried to sit up but was being held down by someone or something. As I turned my head I saw four beings standing next to my bed. Semi-dazed I recognized two of them from "before" and felt immediately safe. Two of the other smaller beings were injecting something into my arm. They seemed to be the "technicians." I questioned the two familiar beings out loud about what they were doing to me and complained that it took so long for them to finish, for it stung terribly. The beings told me telepathically that I should trust them and that it was for my benefit. The next morning I found a large pock-like mark on my arm--and have discovered several more like them.Shortly after my conscious contact, I began to see auras in front of my eyes which would not let up. (A doctor explained that these could be onsets of a migraine--even without experiencing headaches, which I did not have.) Soon after, driving home from work, the whole surrounding landscape, cars, people, turned into a deep maroon color, as if looking through a night vision scope. Soon, the color changed to a brilliant, electric blue--a color I have never seen with normal vision. It turned everything into a celestial-like scene. It was an unnerving experience. These color changes came and went over the next couple of weeks. I made a quick appointment with a doctor, was seen by a neurologist, had my eyes examined. A CAT scan was done (without the dye, as I'm allergic) and I had an EEG. The EEG technician mumbled something about, "Hmmm, funny." When I asked her what was up, she said that the pathways on one side of my brain appeared to connect differently. She wouldn't explain further because she "wasn't allowed to." The written results stated that taking this into consideration, "all was normal." All tests were performed at or through a VA Hospital here. I had to agree to see a counselor as part of the package. I did this, as well, and was pronounced emotionally and mentally sane (or perhaps just as insane?) as the mainstream population)...allowing me to continue my own work in the mental health profession. Professor K. V. stated that "with implants it raises the possibility of feeding in new senses--that we perhaps give ourselves X-ray vision or actually sense the world in ultra violet--and so on--how that will affect how the brain works. The human brain will have to adjust and get used to that information being 'fed' in and us getting an understanding of it."Perhaps someone out there in CAUS-land can give me the answer of what might have changed my visual perception. My experiences tell me that I was being "messed" with. For what reason, I don't know. I am told that it is for my benefit. The nagging question is, "Is it really, or am I being fooled?" I would like to trust that all is well (I seem to be all right). Yet, it would comfort me hearing from others who had similar experiences.

The UFO Reource Center would like to thank CAUS for these case reports.





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