Jacob's ladder is one example of how the God of the Israelites is dierctly associated with the UFO paradigm  Jacob had went into a dream, where he was contacted by the angel.  This is a common theme amongst those contacted by angels in the Bible.  It is also a familiar thread which runs trhrough stories of people claiming contact with UFO contacts.

"Behold a Ladder was Placed on the earth...the Angels of God were Going Up and Going Down On It."


"...behold, a ladder was placed on the earth, its top reaching to the heavens.  And, behold. the angels of God were going up and going down on it."

Here, the literal translation from the Hebrew texts is derived from the combination of a primitive root, calal (pr. saw-lal)to indicate exaltation and cullam (pr. sool-lawn)  the word for ladder or staircase.  The word for HEAVEN has numerous meanings, and must not be taken out of context, which is a common mistake.  In this case, the word for heaven is shamayim, (pr. shaw-mah-yim).  It means a place, alluding to the visible arch of the sky where the clouds move.  This would include the area above the clouds, where the celestial bodies revolve (space).  The word for ANGEL is malak, the word for messenger.  This particular word is also a source of misinterpretation, as UFOs are commonly referred to as vehicles for the Devil, which is completely antipode to the literal, Biblical truth. 

UFOs are often seen making stair step maneuvers


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