NASA Claims "Spacejunk" While Area Residents Not So Sure

NASA says that the brilliant objects seen over the eastern seaboard on Thursday, were "spacejunk." Area residents who had witnessed the event, were not so sure. WHDH-TV Channel 7 Boston was the first to break this AP wire story.

After reviewing the film footage and listening to eyewitness accounts, UFORC has decided to launch their own investigation into this UFO report. We have spoken with Channel 7, Boston and have informed them that we are going to use their story in our investigation of this incident. You can view the incredible ram video through the link, which follows their the story posted on the WHDH website.

DID YOU SEE THIS UFO? We are seeking anyone who can provide additional details regarding this sighting. If you or anyone you know have seen a UFO on or about the morning of September 06, 2001   please click here. Our UFO investigators would be happy to hear from you. It will be added to our investigator's database for further investigation and analysis. Please indicate if you want to keep your identity confidential. Now, here is that AP wire story from the WHDH-TV website http://www.7-news.com

"Area Residents See Streaking Object in the Sky"

"BOSTON -- What residents thought was a meteorite in the sky early Thursday morning was debris from a Russian rocket re-entering the atmosphere. The Russian SL3 had been orbiting since 1975 and re-entered the earth's atmosphere about 100 miles off the Delaware coast, said Navy Commander Rod Gibbons at the U.S. Space Control Center in Colorado Springs, Colo.

"Witnesses in Massachusetts and elsewhere around the country said they saw something go upward in the sky and then saw particles of light or some debris coming down. 'The object was not designed to survive re-entry,' Gibbons told The Associated Press. 'They can travel several thousands of miles after it re-enters the atmosphere. It's like skipping a stone on a lake. It's likely to have burned in the atmosphere.' Police departments and radio and TV stations from Boston to the Berkshires were flooded with calls from people who saw the bright object streak across the pre-dawn sky at about 6 a.m.

"Gibbons said the rocket was one of 8,300 man-made objects the center is tracking in space. He said 17,000 man-made objects have re-entered the earth's atmosphere since the late 1950s. (AP)"

Investigator Montgomery is the Executive Director of UFORCE International, a global ufo research organization. When asked his opinion about this particular sighting, he had this to say: "If NORAD knew that something as large as two school buses was coming down over New England, why didn't they tell anybody? According to what Mr. Gibbons claims, the object was 'one of 8,300 man-made objects the center is tracking in space.' The six million dollar question would have to be why didn't they try to warn us about this before it happened? Why did they wait until after the fact?"

Well, the answer may surprise you. Perhaps it wasn't "spacejunk" after all... "I would speculate that it was one of many dozens of unidentified flying objects that NORAD tracks into our atmosphere every single day. We have many unexplained events that strongly suggests that NORAD is trying to cover-up ufo sightings. Why would "Spacejunk" fly half-way across the continental US while maintaining a level altitude and steady velocity? At this point, I remain skeptical of their explanation."

UFORC documents thousands of UFO reports and sightings every year. The public can access their database, once they have applied for membership. UFORC maintains its database through public and private support. If you would like to access their database, or would like more information, please click here.

STORY'S SOURCE: http://www.7-news.com/"
file of origin: WHDH_NA_0906sky_show.ram (No longer available on-line; http://whdh.sunbeamtv.com/video/out/WHDH_NA_0906sky_show.ram)

You may order a quality VHS version of this movie by telephone. Please call Corporate Media Services toll free at 1-800-9TV-NEWS to order the tape.

We are following up on information that we have received from WHDH Boston, and have notified WHDH of our investigation and use of this material.  UFORC would like to thank them for their assistance in our investigation.

© WHDH Boston and The UFO Resource Center. All rights reserved. All other rights apply