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UFO Chatroom  

This exclusive UFO chatroom is very private, and the topic of discussion is always UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrials.  Invite your friends or newsgroups to use our UFORC chatroom for stimulating debate and discussion (please read our terms of use policy)


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The keyword in 'community...'

If you've come here to read the same old pabulum that you've been spoon-fed on a continual basis, you've come to the wrong place!  If you want to hear more lies, distortions and cover-ups, you'd better go somewhere else.  If you've  come to hear the truth about UFOs, the truth is in here.  The UFO Resource Center is a public access, research community, providing up to the minute data on the UFO phenomena.  We encourage  the free flow of ideas, information and dialogue through our community resource links that you will find listed here.  Together, we can solve the mystery behind the UFO phenomenon. 'unity.'

"We encourage  the free flow of ideas, information and dialogue..."