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Humm humm.. There is little to be said about myself. I'm an artist, a poet, and a writer. I sometimes enjoy going out for coffee with friends, and I love to travel. I'm never totally settled, always on the move to find a place or a partner who better suits me. Someplace or someone who I desire. I know that sounds harsh, but if it doesn't feel right after a week or two with him, then I know he isn't the right one.

Anyhow. I absolutely love traveling. It amazes me. I've been all the way up and down the West Coast, New Orleans, Idaho, Montana, Florida, Georgia, Colorado and just about all the places in-between. I hate California (sorry all you Cali folk. I've been too close to death down in Cali.), I hated Iowa (again sorry. I wasn't pleased in the least, with the 'feel' of the place. And too many Casinos are disgusting, in my opinion.). Oregon was all right. It use to be one of the states I hit up a lot as far as travel.

A little background for the curious folk -
I lived in Washington State for 19 years of my life. I'm 21, now. Seattle was my favorite spot in Washington. About a year and a half ago, I moved to Florida. LIVED and traveled through or visited, are two entirely separate things Now, I am contemplating moving, again.

Piercings and Tattoos?
Ya baby! I have piercings AND a tattoo. More will be added as time goes by. My lip, tongue, septum and nostril are pierced. I have a tattoo on my shoulder blade, which symbolizes a great deal to me.
You virgin skinned folk are probably wondering 'why' I have these piercings. Well, for one, they mark times in my life. For another, the sensation is... rather amazing. Even though it only lasts for a second or two. Piercings also give way to an experience that few will ever find. Piercings are unique for that reason. It isn't anything like getting a shot or blood drawn. It is entirely different. People with piercings will more then likely understand this better then those who have never had body piercings.
Getting your ear pierced is nothing like getting your lip or tongue, pierced. Body piercings hold greater pleasure/pain then simple ear piercings. That's my view, anyways.

Hmm.. let's journey onto another topic as far as I go. If you weren't curious, you wouldn't be here reading this.

Talk Jockey/Disk Jockey - Yes. I want to go to collage for these. Both Talk Jockey and Disk Jockey. But I also want to attend collage for Computer Graphic Design, Computer Programming, Computer Repair, Web Design and other similar things. Music Theory and Bartending School, are on my list as well. There are a few other things, but I haven't yet decided if I want to spend the extra time and money for them or not.

Other things I want to do - I want to get back in Martial Arts. Aikido, to be specific. And I am also planning on taking voice lessons once I am financially able. This is what my future consists of.

Is this enough for curious minds? If not, then keep checking this page or tune in to my show.


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