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Other Stuff. My Favorate stuff. Plenty to see, plenty to do, plenty to talk about.

This page is dedicated to Talk Show Radio shows that I listen to, artists who have sent me urls to sites and stuff like that. More will be added in the future. Right now, this is it.

Discovered Bands
Mea_Culpa! A Seattle band! YAY!!! Check out their music.

Fantic! Another good band to check out.

Online Poets
Stephen's World I read his poem over the air for him and it was indeed excellent. So check it out if you haven't already.

Talk Shows on Lycos Talk Radio
The Non Violent Mad Show. Hosted by Freakchild. Co-host: Skinboy.
The main reason I started listening to this show is because Freakchild came onto my show and gave me tips. In return, I went and listened to his show. To my surprise, it was excellent. So, since then I have been listening to it. It airs at 4am MT, 6am ET, 5am CT and 3am WT. That's US time, folks. I highly recommend this show!

© 1998-2001 Melonhead Productions.

The Steve and Gary Show


The Johnny and Jenni Show