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Wolfen's Den

Wolfen's Den's Official Soundfiles for now

Well, for all of you who kept asking me to build a page, here it is, hope you like it, still under construction, I hope to improve it soon. Anyways, for all of you expecting it, here it is, the big intro........... Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. children of all ages, welcome to the 400th wonder of the world!! (Right after unsliced bread)(Woulda done better, but the damn panel was a bunch of bakers) Anyways, here it is, in living color unless you have a monochrome monitor, the page that is useless with out trying to be, Wolfen's Den. Enter, enjoy, and please come back. (Unless you got traumatized on this visit, then have a nice life and stay away from sharp objects) (P.S. I now have one banner on this page. I know it's rather commercial, but being a college student, you get money how you can, and anyone signing up here helps me get money, so tell all your friends the address and have them check out the banner, LOL)

Sayings I like

  • I'm not troubled by insanity, I enjoy every minute of it
  • I'm so perfect, even my imperfections are perfect (Natt-ism)
  • Friends don't let friends drive naked (another Natt-ism)
  • Never fry bacon when you're naked (Not a Natt-ism, but darned close)
  • I almost don't feel the way I do
  • Sometimes a little brain damage helps
  • Never knock on Death's door, ring the doorbell and run, he hates that
  • Arriba la rasa!!!! (For Trev, who is bawdy bawdy, and rowdy rowdy)
  • Ding-dong, another great idea from the people who brought you beeeeeeeeer milkshakes!
  • Hey, I've had a good day today, I've eaten five times, slept six times, and made a lot of stuff mine. I think tomorrow I'll see if I can have SEX with something
  • I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it
  • Speak Softly, drive a Sherman Tank
  • Is killing for funnsies wrong? (Another Natt-ism)
  • I have seen enough to know that I have seen too much
  • I'm very lucky, the only time I was up a creek I had a paddle with me
  • Will wonders never start?
  • There should be some things we don't name, just so we can sit around all day and wonder what they are
  • Don't bother me or I shall be forced to beat you about the head and neck with a tube sock full of wood screws
  • Ladybugs are the best bugs, they can do anything a bug should do, and they can be a game piece
  • There's a moment coming, it's still coming, not quite here yet....damn it, it's gone.....
  • Is that you talking to me, or is it just the people in my head?
  • Ride the wild paramecium
  • Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought. Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself
  • What do'ya mean "ya killed him, cha, cha cha"!?!
  • A penny saved is worthless
  • Infinity welcomes careful drivers