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Dance Pictures
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Holy Names Academy Valentine's Day Dance, 2000
yeah dogg
Left to Right, top row: Caitlin, Christina, Karina, Cindy, Emily
Seated: Angela, Jocelyn

WinterBall 1997
me, Cait, amd Meghan Jessica me Austine Anna Cait Meghan and Kristen...whew!!
The first one, L~to~R: me, Caitlin McClain, and Meghan Mullen.
In the next pic: Jessica Au, me, Austine Kuder, Anna Wiggs, Cait, Meghan, and Kristen Thyng.

Seattle Prep Homecoming 1997

Me and my good friend Steven.

On the evening of the Father-Daughter Dance

Christine and Athena at the Holy Names Valentine's Day Dance, 1999

Christine and Seth...i think that's his name

Blanchet Luau 1998

there're like 63 people in that first took so long to get the group organized...and we still weren't, really...damn, we frustrated the hell out of tha photographer people...i bet they were all thinking "Damn Asians!!" hahaha...

Blanchet Homecoming 1998

i could name everyone in the pic, but i don't think i'm going to.

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