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The Journey Home

Xailia's Sanctuary

Dante's Observatory

Kelley's Corridor

Doom's Dungeon

Beth's Ballroom

Eric's Courtyard

The Lair of Outmatched

The Sayor's Sanctum

Jessi's Attic

The Gallery

The Cathedral

Bloody's Oratory

The Cellar

Welcome to Dante's Observatory

To my baby with all my love
My Dearest Angel from the stars above
Its been a year since you captured my heart
A love so true that nothing can tear it apart
Its been to long since I have felt complete
But you came along an swept me of my feet
I cannot tell you what you mean to me
I only hope to make you see
My undying love is all I can give
From this day forth, for as long as I live
By my side I hope you will stand
walking this life both hand in hand
Ill be here for you if you should ever cry
Ill be that true love that you can stand by
Whatever befalls I cannot say
But know that I love you on this great day