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The Journey Home

Xailia's Sanctuary

Dante's Observatory

Kelley's Corridor

Doom's Dungeon

Beth's Ballroom

Eric's Courtyard

The Lair of Outmatched

The Sayor's Sanctum

Jessi's Attic

The Gallery

The Cathedral

Bloody's Oratory

The Cellar



Welcome to Doom's Dungeon

the senses
the sun rising now overhead
shadows dance below my feet
all around me
all surround me
encompassing my soul
they never keep time to the beat

the trees whisper
death is near
life is clear
it's nothing but a whisper
scarcely heard behind the sounds of war
psychic battle that never ends
when the end is the beginning
and the disease is in the air
the forest is in flames
chemical warfare
no one cares

meaningless gesture
a curse
a blessing
an angel undressing the sky above
falling in flames
forget my name
my love
nothing remains in our wasteland

but who can blame this name
only I...
& the demon that taunts me
it tells me of the tortured souls
...the bleeding
it strikes my heel with burning fangs
it strikes again
drawing the venom with my lips
purge the poison
spittle and earth
dirt & death

flames of life
rising higher
wiping the sweat from your brow
you're alive
but not the same
I turn to slay the snake
already hidden
smitten with pain
struck down