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Bloody's Oratory

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Welcome to Kelley's Corridor

Mabon Prayer 2002
Lovingly written by Kelley

The fiery red blood that courses through my veins,
Carries remnants of those who came before me,
Traits, and genes and gifts remain
And contribute to my individuality.

Reflect on the past and remember what's been seen,
From those experiences wisdom is gleaned.
The gifts that were passed from one line to the next,
Let not go to waste; always sharpen and perfect.

And forget not equilibrium,
Night and day,
Dreams and visions.
Walk in stasis through the divisions.

The grain in the left hand,
Pomegranate in the right,
Will bring back the dawning,
And comfort to the soul
In the dark of night.

Fear not the coming twilight,
Embrace the mysteries.
Learn what you can
Through your line's histories.

Place your gifts, your genes, and your wisdom
Into your mind's cauldron,
Sparked with the waning light.
They'll simmer and boil long into the night.

Darkness without and darkness within
Rids all shadows and doubts,
Restoring true sight again.

Bathe in your brew,
With it become one.
Rejuvenate that which is needful
Lay to rest that which is done.

Examine and study and learn and replace.
Take this time allotted you
In the darkness of space
To rest and reflect,
Recharge and renew
The benevolence that makes up
The magick of you.

Hold these things dear and
Close to your heart,
Nurture them until the
Time of light's start.