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The Journey Home

Xailia's Sanctuary

Dante's Observatory

Kelley's Corridor

Doom's Dungeon

Beth's Ballroom

Eric's Courtyard

The Lair of Outmatched

The Sayor's Sanctum

Jessi's Attic

The Gallery

The Cathedral

Bloody's Oratory

The Cellar


Welcome to The Sayor's Sanctum

The aftermath
It calculates that the matter was misadded
after the math
Present and past
It's way too late, and the great storms that were dreaded
are all but a laugh
Laugh while we may

The smiles ongoing upon faces that seem all-knowing
will shrug in dismay
Would one love stay
with seeds we're sewing in the earth, fierce winds
still blowing
all the doubt away?

And the dream seems as real as your voice
The light of my day
as I make my choice
And reality is but a whim
The dark of the night
as I will give in
And love is not the way it once seemed
More than emotion
more like a dream
And life itself has become a spark
Fuel for the spirit
Light in the dark

The final truce
It's undecided what will bind the two souls together
and what love will loose
Another heart
Lines once recited that what has been joined shall not sever
and not break apart
Dreams that are dreamt
with angel's voices and filled with glorious visions
are all time well spent
Love I will hold
while making choices with the greatest of precision
The story unfolds

And the dream seems as real as my voice
The light of your day
as you make your choice
And reality is but a whim
The dark of the night
as you will give in
And love is not the way it was dreamed
More than emotion
more than it seems
And life itself has become a spark
Fuel for the spirit
Light in the dark

©04/14/01 Asshole Priest Boy™