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The Journey Home

Xailia's Sanctuary

Dante's Observatory

Kelley's Corridor

Doom's Dungeon

Beth's Ballroom

Eric's Courtyard

The Lair of Outmatched

The Sayor's Sanctum

Jessi's Attic

The Gallery

The Cathedral

Bloody's Oratory

The Cellar


Welcome to The Cathedral


Lurking in the forgotten place
Awaiting pleasures I must never taste
Seeking fruits of forbidden delight
My darkened passion seduces the night
My heart calls out to capture yours
A silhouette figure in the moonlight adorns
Never to touch, yet still I must try
To dance in the meadows with the Dark One's divine

Touch my numb heart; hailed in stone
Give me the death of the Dark One's throne
Taste the disease of my inner whore
That reaps the harvest of my soul's black score
A single strand of golden thread
Seduce the shadows in my head
The faintest radiance escapes the hole
A scratch upon my tarnished soul

Arms outstretched to grasp the light
A beacon in my haunted plight
Falling short, down on one knee
Accepting what I cannot be

Run from the fire that consumes my will
Feast upon the heart that's ill
Patronize my darkened soul
Feast on life 'til death is full

I taste the life which I have not
To numb the pain of breathing rot
Embrace my carnal savagery
Surrender to me, your destiny

Paul Dustin White
16 June 1995