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The Journey Home

Xailia's Sanctuary

Dante's Observatory

Kelley's Corridor

Doom's Dungeon

Beth's Ballroom

Eric's Courtyard

The Lair of Outmatched

The Sayor's Sanctum

Jessi's Attic

The Gallery

The Cathedral

Bloody's Oratory

The Cellar

Welcome to Xailia's Sanctuary

Emotions run rampant,
the road to hell is paved.
I cant escape this onslaught,
inside myself I am enslaved.

Hello there Confusion.....
welcome back my friend.
You never leave for very long
with me until the end.

Hello Anguish...
driving me insane,
consuming every part of me,
wishing I would give in to your reign.

Hello again Anger...
locked deep inside your cage.
Now the door is opened,
your free to show your rage.

Hello dark Depression...
I see you, there you are.
Coming back, fading to black,
leaving yet another scar.

Hello Frailty....
leaving me so weak.
Watching me fall and crumble,
is the end result you seek.

Hello there Distrust...
I haven't seen you for so long.
You take away security,
flaunting that I was wrong.

Hello Disillusion....
taking all I thought was true.
I could live forever,
without ever missing you.

And under it all,
what's that I see,
I believe it is Hope,
the dearest friend indeed.

Hello my sweet Hope,
please don't stray from me.
You give me such endurance,
to live and still be me.


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