The Freax Brigade

The Freax Brigade is an extremely unofficial thing. it started at summer camp in '98, with a group of punks who loved Jesus and hung out together. We were sort of regarded as a camp novelty, and people just wondered at our antics.

These punks, though, turned out to be the best friends I have ever had. They knew the troubles associated with being a Christian in particular circles of friends, drugs, being odd, and basically anything you could ever have happen to you.

Best of all, they were the strongest Christians I ever got to know, and they truly inspired me to really accept Christ into my life. I never really understood what it meant to be a Christian, but it was with them that I finally figured it out.

It's not about being your stereotypical 'perfect person,' or about being one of those weirdos who stand on the street corner and wave Bibles in your face; it's about realizing that God loves you and everyone else, enough to send Jesus into the sin-filled world and die in agony for every horrible thing anyone has ever done. It's about taking that knowledge and making the best of it. After all, if someone sent their only kid to die for the crime you committed, wouldn't you want to repay them by not letting that sacrifice be in vain???

God doesn't care if you're Marilyn Manson, Martha Stewart, Bill Gates or Clinton, the pot-smoker next door, the hardest of hardcore punks, or the baby boy your friend's older brother's wife just had. He loves everyone just the same, no matter who they are or where they've been or what they look like. As long as you love Jesus, you're His special child.

I know this all has either sounded like complete lunacy or you've had it pounded it into your head all of your life (like me... it didn't help at ALL); but I believe it with all my heart. If you're at all curious about Jesus, you can find out more by emailing me about it.