My Friends and Cohorts

This is at my 17th birthday party... my only consolation is that it took everyone in this photo combined to restrain me and duct tape me to the chair. They were REALLY afraid to let me loose afterwards... ;-)

This is my beloved boyfriend Brian and our friend, Erik. Brian and Erik are trying to play chess in this picture... if you look really close, you can see the steam coming out their ears. I've known Brian for about a year, and Erik for a little more than less than that.

These strange people are Hilary and Sarah. This is the Sarah barely pictured in the duct tape photo. I've known them since early early grade school.

These are my 'brothers' (well, Kegan actually is) Jon, Derek, and Kegan. They're big fans of drag racing and sticking it to the man by buying out pop machines that are broken and spit out too many pops.

This is Brianna and Lauren, two great people I got to know through the play I was recently involved in. Lauren and I are editors for the school paper together, and I took Brianna home after drama practice quite a few times.

This is Jesse... he's... well... a character. We (being anyone who knows him) have decided he has crack glands, and exudes it naturally. I'm the only person on this planet besides his mom who can make him wear makeup for the play. Even then, it's an adventure. He's a great guy, tho, and a lot of fun.

These two look as different as night and day, but don't be fooled. They are RARELY seen apart. They're lots of fun... especially when it's supposed to be quiet in the room. Tylets for Jenny!!

This is Micah. Micah eats before he should, because he never listens to what you tell him. He's permanently affixed to his cell phone, and if you show up at a concert he's involved in and he knows you, you will be talked into helping out somehow. But that's ok.

Pictures Coming Soon...
the Jode, who can't make plans to save his life; Ryan and Kory, who for some reason don't mind me; Luke, who is going to kill me if i don't start finding ways to go to his shows; Mandi, who still lives in Chicaaaaago; Jeff, the Red Apple Man; Travis and Clancey, the other half of my brother's band; and Mom & Dad Gillespie. How they will hate having me around too much! :-)
