Wave Good-Bye, Say Good-Night

Wave good-bye:
The waves are crashing down on what we used to know
Like castles in the sand or angels in the snow
And the wind blows them both away…
Leaving us with nothing more to say.
Say good-night:
The darkness is descending like a curtain or a shroud
A blockade to our telepathy to make us speak aloud
When we used to read each others’ minds,
It’s amazing if there’s a link that we can find.
Wave good-bye:
She makes a better door than a window,
And I can take a hint, in case you didn’t know.
The person I considered my very closest friend
Is now what I consider my saddest, silent end.
Wave good-bye, it’s all gone.
Pack it up, I know I’ll carry on.
Say good-night, I’m away.
I hope to see you again someday.
