Happy When I'll Cry

"We'll discuss this..."
"Some other time."
And despite all you've done to make me angry
I will keep control of myself mine,
Even though you try to make me mad to make me happy...
To let me vent this whole thing at you,
To let me try to unbottle some of these rockets inside me,
To let me illustrate the pain I've been through...
So I can finally cry and be happy.
I'm sorry; you must understand, I can't just let go.
I can't just release this right now,
Because... there's so much inside that I don't know,
And I hate it when I can't anticipate how...
How I'll react, how I'll retaliate unthinkingly
And hurt you, when you let me, when you try
To provoke me to release the pressure in me
So I will finally be happy when I cry.
