It Takes Two

I say I love you
But there is no reply
I ask if you mean no, then
As I begin to cry
Not a no, but what then
When it takes two
I do not believe in the sanctity
Of silence being golden
Of this all, and frankly,
It’s a fragile position that you’re holding
I do believe I certainly loved you
With something I never had
And as I begin to cry
You begin to bitch about your dad
I said I love you
So why don’t you reply
You started this, after all
And I agreed to try
I trust you, don’t let me fall
Because it takes two
I do not believe in the present tense
Of one too many chances
Of the ability to completely make amends
It’s a fragile world in my romances
Where it takes two
To say, “I love you.”


for you Chris; i hope, with all honesty, that you're happy.
