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Me, Myself, and I

Name: Jesska 'Stoplight' Zerostar
Other Aliases: Stop, Zerostar, Pinky, Mt. Vernon, that psycho, LostSoul, Jessie, Jess, Red, Leprechaun, Anchovy, Wizard of Imp, Celeste Gabbianni, Beatrice
Height/Weight: 5 feet, 9 inches; 145 lb.
Hair/Eye Color: currently 'chocolate cherry' (DARK auburn)/brown with gold flecks
Favorite Quote:
Favorite Color(s): eh, a tie b/n green and red
Favorite Food(s): cold pizza with orange juice, or garlic bagels with salmon cream cheese. yummy.....
Weirdest Thing I've Ever Done: there are so many... i've eaten 9 live goldfish, several kinds of bugs, candy off the floor, the hot lunch from my school, and a 3-day old burrito; pierced my own ears; been 'married' (long story); i put on a pink prom dress; i picked my boyfriend's nose; i let the boys from a play i did put makeup on me

.....Well... I'm an aspiring graphic artist (key word 'aspiring'), I LOVE the Final Fantasy game series. As of April 7, I'm on disc 2 of 3 on Final Fantasy VIII. I loved 1,2,3, VII, and now VIII. I hope to get the anthology... that would rock sooo much. I like all RPG's, and most adventure games (but not Resident Evil-type stuff... I have an overactive imagination and I jump at my own shadow for MONTHS after I even play them once)... but I love the Final Fantasies.
.....I used to play volleyball, but I decided I wanted to do the play more this year. I would have made varsity, too. oh well. life it tough. I like to wrestle with my friends - heh. I like to play rough. It's fun.
.....I'm also a computer nerd. I'm not a genius, mind you; that's my boyfriend Brian. He programs computers for a living. I'm a better-than-average user. I think that I spend anywhere from 4-7 hours a day on the computer; depending on the circumstances.
.....I used to be REALLY big into punk; and I still enjoy the music and I still wear spiked collars sometimes and all... but I'm not... I don't know. Punk gave off this 'screw you and i'll do what *i* want' attitude, and I guess I'm strong enough now that I don't need it. Not to say punk isn't strong and punks aren't strong... I guess it was a security blanket I held onto with a vengeance. Who knows; maybe I'm more punk than I've ever been. Maybe I was never punk. *shrug* I don't really care now, though. I am who I am; and if that's punk then cool, if not then fine.
.....I have a strange sense of humor... I've been known to tell friends they're taking the garlic salt for a walk, laugh at nothing in particular, do backflips onto my bed & go *splat* against the wall, refer to myself as 'the entertainer' (be entertained!!), & talk in 3rd person for days at a time. I laugh waaaay too much, but it's fun! A couple of my friends can make me laugh just by looking me in the eye. It's pitiful. & I get the most horrible cases of the giggles you will EVER see... truly embarrassing to have the giggles. And there's no help from a certain someone whose favorite pasttime is tickling me...
.....I like to write... love it terribly. I've been writing since I could form a coherent message on paper, & since then I've improved a great deal (hopefully). Poetry seems to be my cup of tea, & I have on my computer over 300 or so recorded poems, a lot of which are old & really bad. Short stories are a goodie, too; I don't have as many of those as I do poems, but I have a few. Longer stories stump me. I get a good idea, I can stick with it for I about 50 pages or so, & then I lose it. Someday I will prevail, though!!
.....Something else I happen to love; or more like, someONE. *sigh* those of you who know me well know Brian, and how I can go on about how great he is. I'll leave it at the fact that he's the most wonderful person that's ever walked (or been dragged) into my life; and has quite frankly been the only one who's managed to tame the savage beast that is me. I mean... I don't even notice, but he opens doors for me and tries to insist on buying stuff... and sometimes he almost succeeds.
.....What else... I am very, very, very lazy. As in, my carpet rarely sees the light of day because I am too lazy to clean my room. Ever. My webpage is completely made on Angelfire's web shell, because I'm too lazy to learn REAL HTML. I have an average GPA, because I am too lazy to do my homework (although lately it's been getting a *lot* better!). I'm surprised my goldfish, Fred and Junk Food, are still alive, because they get fed once every... ??? not too often. That kind of thing.
.....I like music. As in, most music. Country makes me run away, though. Meringue/salsa makes me borderline psychotic with loathing (i HATE Ricky Martin! i hate him! i hate him!), & 98% of rap/r&b makes me gag. I like Missy Elliott, Lauryn Hill, & Busta Rhymes, though. Go figure. I don't really have a favorite 'kind' of music anymore. I like a lot of punk, but i also like a lot of hardcore, alternative, metal, and grunge. I like the more talented pop stuff... Modest Mouse, newer Green Day (actually, I like everything Green Day's ever done), THE WEAKERTHANS (who are my all-time favorite band ever)... I like Coal Chamber and Ani DiFranco, Far and Bob Dylan, Spoken and Slick Shoes... I tend to like the harder stuff better, but if it has *real* feeling in it, chances are I'll like it.
.....I also have to tell ya'll the most important thing: I am a Christian, & I'm not afraid to say it. The only reason, very literally, that I am still alive today is because God didn't let me die (yay!!). He's my real source of strength. Without God, I'm weak and helpless.
.....Well, that's all I can think of at the moment; if there's anything else you want to know, email me and I'll answer your question as best I can. I'm no scholar... but I do have a genuine faith.