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Welcome to Ziggy's Homepage!

This is a page made especially for people who like cute cuddly characters. This is my first Homepage so if you have any suggestions pls sign my guestbook and tell me so I can improve my site. If you really like my site remember to bookmark it and tell ur friends about it! So travel around and if you have any comments please e-mail me. HAVE FUN!
If you want to take images from my homepage, you may do so but pls e-mail me first. Thanx for visiting!
OMIGOD!!! i haven't been bak in mah page for at LEAST half a year or 3 months!!! well i'm SOOO sorri to all mah peepz out there who were waitin for me to update...well...i've decided to change my site from cutesy to cool..hehehe^^ this will soon become a site on carz or stuff like dat...but definitely sumthin away from all this cutesy stuff!! (u gettin sick of it too eh???) well for now all y'all kno i'm still real buzy wit school and stuff so i only updated my "ME" part on mah info...and if i have time hopefully SOON i'll start changin sum stuff but if i'm changin mah site it'll prolly take a while...PLSS have patience wit me and comebak!!!...hehehe^^

So remember to come check back on my page for changes! And if u have any suggestions, pls e-mail me....i'm open to ne kind of comments!
Feel free to e-mail me, or icq me. My number is 20770091

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