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The First Outlawsscreensaver built by ACS_Red_Baron contains music, pics and special effects. Dont forget after install to restart your puter!! View the readme for more info. You can download (704 KB) the screesaver Get it NOW!!!! HERE

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Howdy stranger, look what's already on the ACS hq!!!

For info about the OTL look at our new OTL page

This is the hompage of the ACS-posse it's not completly finished, but it isn't gonna be updated anymore. The Anarchists caught shoplifting each went their own way kinda 6 months ago. It was a lot of fun, tnx for all the great moments ppl :0). If you need me you can still icq or email me... I'm now playing half life like some most of the other members of ACS. Also i'll distribute my 2nd outlawsscreensaver and my outlawswallpaper i built some time ago. Ill place them @ my new site :
Tnx for all the great moments people

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