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Caleb Skurdal's (AD7U) Web Site

E-mail me

Misc. Sites

A very weird mind reading card trick

Ham Sites (See below for DX sites)

CT's Site
LOG-Eqf Loging Program (What I Log with)
Island County (WA) ARC Page
ICARC Newsletter
US Islands Program
QSL's by W4MPY (I use these cards)
THE IOTA Web site
TR Log by N6TR the BEST!!
ARRL Home page
ARRL Members only
HamStuff by W7NN
My Station info (under construction)
THE contest calender

DXpedition + DX info Web Sites

Link to log searches
The GoList web page
Lots of Searchable Logs (by N6RT)
DX Central.Com (QSL info, etc)
QSL info+ DXpedition info +++
RW1QM QSL-info search (searches 10 databases and DX Spots)
VE7CQD DX Cluster
QSL route for QSO's in CQWWDX, WPX, and IOTA contests
DX Summit (last 25 DX spots)
The DailyDX bulletin by W3UR
Western Washington DX Club (WWDXC) Homepage
Station info database by N4ZR