..]o[.. The Thermal Path..]o[..Path of the Ridge..]o[..The Links of Air..]o[..
..Visit Airwreck's Lara Croft Page.. Tomb Raider III
..Visit Fly2K, Airwreck's Airtime.. Fly2K
]o[..Realm of the Sky..]o[
Chelan Butte, WA..
The finest thermal soaring in Washington State..
Launch your glider and climb as high as you can..
Reach cloudbase, then pull in and race across the Columbia River Gorge..
The view looking west, back towards Chelan from 35 miles away..
Now fly back to town for an afternoon swim and a beer..
..Soar through the Realm of the Sky on the links shown below..
..]o[.. The Thermal Path..]o[..Path of the Ridge..]o[..The Links of Air..]o[..
..Visit Airwreck's Lara Croft Page.. Tomb Raider III
..Visit Airwreck's Airtime Page.. Airtime
..]o[..Need a MIDI player to hear the music..? Free Crescendo MIDI player..]o[..
Please feel free to send your comments to: airwrecks@hotmail.com
..]o[..Counter start date: 1/9/99..]o[..