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Here is the discovery copy of a major error of color previously unrecorded. Microscopic examination reveals not a single dot of yellow on the image. Experiments trying to reproduce the effect, artifically, reveal that not all dots of yellow can be erased, and the other colors wash out as well. There is no way to artificially create this error of color. An expert in the field of printing took a very detailed look at this stamp and concluded that it was a genuine error in color. He provided an explaination as to how it occured. It was printed on a 4 color press, with each color being printed by a different plate. From time to time the plates need to be wiped clean of paper dust and other air born particles that build up on the plate. To do this, only the plate in question is taken off line, wiped and then put back into service. The rest of the plates keep printing along. The printers later cut out the "waste" not printed in all 4 colors. The "Blue Duck" error was printed while the yellow plate was being serviced and was missed in the process of cutting out and disposing of the waste. This is the only known copy to surface in the 8 years since the #2484's were printed.

Various pictures of the Blue Duck error

Blue Duck side by side with regular 2484
Split images featuring regular and blue ducks
full screen regular Scott # 2484
jpg compresses to 25% side by side images
Chemical alteration experiment results
