Rebecca's Attachment Parenting
Rebecca's Attachment
Parenting Pages
My name is Rebecca, I am wife to
Andrew, and I am SAHM/WAHM to Alex,
born 5-17-95 and Nikolas, our christmas
baby, born 12-26-98. I am the
owner/manufacturer of Baby's Bum
Homemade Cloth Diapers as well. I love
being home with my kids and having the
opportunity to watch their growth and
marvel at the beauty and innocence of
children. I can't think of a more
fulfilling job! And since i have grown more in tune with my kiddos, i have realized that for us, there simply is no other way. I wasn't always an "AP" parent. I conceived Alex, while engaged to Andy, not married, going through some major psychological stuff. I found out I was pregnant my first week of college. Totally ~not~ planned... After i realized what was going on and after i had begun to love the little boy growing inside of me (it didn't take long) I became really anxious. I felt wholly unqualified to be a mother. I acknowleged my complete cluelessness and vowed to read every book adn bit of information i could get my hands on. I felt compelled to trust professionals like doctors and nursed because they were (in my mind) so very much more qualified than me about how to raise my child. But it just didn't add up.. Alex was bottlefed and had chronic ear infections, and it wasn't until We decided that we absolutely would not allow any more antibiotics did he improve, for good. It was largely that experience that helped me discover that what i had been spoon fed was not necessarily correct and that I an my husband, truly were the ONLY ones qualified to make decisions for our child.
What is Attachment
- Attachment parenting is parenting in a
childcentered manner, with the goal of
helping your child grow up secure, attached,
and loved.
- Attachment parents often practice
breastfeeding (with child led weaning),
family bedding, homeschooling, cloth
diapering, gentle disciplining, babywearing,
having a full-time at home parent, and
others. Keeping in mind that each families
needs are different and an attachment
parenting family may choose to implement one
or several of these ideas.
Gentle Discipline
Selective Vaccinations
Sleep Sharing
At home