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Remember when we were kids and we liked to sit in the dark with nothing but our showing and tell stories? We sure scared ourselves silly and had to sleep with our heads covered up. I'll never forget the time there were warnings and we had to go to the neighbors storm cellar and while we were in there waiting out the storm warning a fell down from the rafters. I never saw a place clear out so fast. I nearly wet my pants laughing so hard.

Wasn't our first trip to the petting zoo fun? You tried to feed the baby and it bit you. I know you didn't think that was funny, but you sure laughed at me when the year old got my ankle in its mouth. I didn't know I could stay frozen so long in one place while the trainer got him off my leg. My favorite part was when we got to feed the baby . Remember when we got our picture taken with the ? You thought she was growling and it was just purring, your sure got big.

This last trip we had together was really special. I loved seeing the and watching the seals out on the rocks. It was a lot of fun feeding the seals in the aquarium and the seagulls out on the boardwalk. I loved going to the casino and walking on the beach looking for seashells. It was relaxing sitting in the dark in front of the window watching the ocean. But what meant the most to me was our time together. To be able to share any part of our lives together is worth more than anything and is always special.

Well Lightening, guess we will save our further escapades for another time. Right now I am looking forward to a nice long bath by . I'll think of you often and send you all my love till I get to see you again.