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Screen Shots From the Film

Updated March 29, 2001

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- - Cook and Volda are trucked to Beckstadt
- - Cook and Volda see Beckstadt for the first time
- - Beckstadt Castle with the movie title overlay
- - Cook and Volda speak to Schiller
- - Commandant Schiller
- - Cook flies Flaherty's kite
- - Crawford gives Donnley's eulogy
- - The launch of the model glider
- - The model glider in flight
- - Fitz's drawing of the escape plan
- - Cook, Fitz and Tanker discuss stretching the cloth
- - Laying the launch track
- - Removing the weather vane
- - Removing the weather vane
- - Assembling the glider
- - Assembling the glider
- - Assembling the glider
- - What Schiller sees
- - Flying time!

More to come!