AUGUST 7, 1999 I have added over 100 pictures to THE ULTIMATE AJ MCLEAAN DROOL GALLERY Enjoy!
JULY 31, 1999 I have given the page a different Look to it! I hope you like it! I have updated Latest Scoop which was formally known as News! and I have also updated LYRICS There will be more updates later on this week! Enjoy!
JULY 25, 1999
I've updated NEWS, and I've added another 2 galleries to the Ultimate Picture Galleries
JUNE 21, 1999
Well my updates will now basically take place on the weekends for now that i have a job. But today I added some more AJ info on his Information page and i added a article on the articles page and a Review to the review page. That's all for now. Later!
JUNE 17, 1999
I added a Quotes page and updated the Television appearance finally! I'll do more updates tomorrow.
JUNE 14, 1999
I have updated the News and the LINKS page so check it out.
JUNE 10, 1999 I updated the articles and I added a reviews page but I wont have much there if i don't get any help from you guys. So if you'd like to see your review on a page please sent it to me at i will give you full credit for it. THANKS look for more updates later on today. Well I've typed up two more articles and added them to the webpage. I hope you enjoy. Come back soon!
JUNE 5, 1999 Sorry for the lack of updates but i had a wedding last week and now I'm preparing for Finals. I promise weekely updates during the summer. Today I updated the page dedicated to AJ's Mom. I might update more later on today!!
MAY 23, 1999 I've done more updating today. I've joined a few Webrings,and updated the news, keep looking back cause i plan on adding more pictures..
MAY 23, 1999
I added Misc Aj pictures PAGES 3&4, Faves PAGE 2, GROUP PAGE TWO. I'll update more later!
MAY 22, 1999
Well I've done a lot of updating today. I've updated the picutes, i now have to AJ pic pages, added to the My fave pics and others. I updated Television Appearances. And i'm updating the News in a bit so there you have it keep checking back!!
MAY 21, 1999
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been very busy. I am planing to do a huge update over the weekend so keep comming back. Today i added the Lyrics to MILLENNIUM and add another song to the unreleased lyrics. I might add more tonight depends on when I get back. Later!
MAY 15, 1999
I added a new link, and i updated the NEWS page and the TELEVISION APPEARANCE PAGE. I'm sorry there hasn't been much updated this past week but I have been busy i promise once summer comes this page will be updated as much as possible! well i was back on and did more work on the LYRICS page I added UNRELEASED BSB SONGS page to it. Hope you enjoy!!
MAY 10, 1999
I added some new LINKS that's about it for today sorry it ain't much!!
MAY 9, 1999
I have added a NEWS page where you'll find all recent information on BSB and I also added more to the LYRICS page. I might do more UPDATES today so keep comming back!!
MAY 8, 1999
I added 2 ARTICLES, added the LYRICS page. I will do some more tomorrow. If I have the time
I have been busy today. I have added the Info and added the World Tour 1999 Dates, and TV Appearance Page today. I also added 5 more articles to the Articles page and added a Link to the Link page.
MAY 2, 1999
Today is the first day of my webpage so everything is new. The info isn't up and working yet and te articles will be going through major changes in the next week or so once i get a hang of things and know what I'm doing. This is my first webpage so hang in there I'll learn things as I go along.