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Updated 01June00 believe it or not.



Frog's Summer at the Digs


I returned from Panama dusted off the Stang and waited for spring. Spokane Raceway, definite outlaw track. It's still cold up here in Washington, around 48 degrees and it had rained all day so the tracck was still a little wet. To say I had rreally shitty traction is an understatement. My best 60ft time was a 2.3. I ran a best of 14.286 @ 100.2. I'm going to head back when it warms up and I put my traction bars on.


In other news, on a trip to Oakland, I was able to beat a Paxton equipped '90 5.0 stang in a street race. It's amazing how much better this thing runs at sea level compared to 5000'. Next season I'm going to make some runs on a track at sea level, I want to know what the hell this thing will really do.


Last race of the season. Peacekeeper kept me too busy to hit the strip. The damn place was packed because it was "Utah's fastest street car night". Crap, I just wanted to run some times. Well, I started off with a 14.48 @ 94.88 mph with a 2.17 60ft time. Traction sucked and it was costing me. Much to my dismay, traction only got worse because the sun went down before I got in my next run. You know you're not getting traction when you give a serious 3rd gear bark. Put it this way, my next two 60ft times were 2.349 and 2.356, I won't even print my 1/4 times. To top everything off, there was over 350 cars and it was taking 45 minutes to an hour between runs. I was getting pissed so I went home. I seriously think I could of knocked 3 tenths off of that time with good traction.


Can't find my slips. Well basic story is I got to the track late, only got in 2 practice runs, one I was running hot from the drive down and the other I had a really smoky non-grabbin launch, looked cool but I didn't go anywhere fast. Think they were like a 14.89 and a 14.78. Basically I had no idea what my dial-in should be, didn't think I'd break 14.75 so I played it safe with a 14.73 dial-in. First pass, 14.729! 14.7fuckin29! I blew my damn dial in by .001 of a second. That really pisses me off, the nights over and I still haven't gotten a good run yet. My 60 ft times were around 2.3 for all three passes so I'm thinking I'm running a 14.5 or 14.4 when I hook up on my street tires and get a 2.09 60ft time. Gotta take a while off, got lots of priorities this summer and not alot of money to screw around with my Stang.


It was really nice day when we left, the sun was out and it was a little cloudy to the south. As we got closer to the track dark thunderclouds begin building overhead. As we pulled out of tech the wind picked up to 30mph but it was a crosswind so it wouldn't effect our times. The announcer called for "street heavy" to staging lane one. My burnout pretty much told me I wasn't going to hook to day. The tree came down and I pulled an excellent .568 rt but spun really hard through first and second which only gave me a 2.248 60'. Third gear. Fourth, nope, fourth, nope, there we go, fourth gear and I was already through the traps. I was thinking that was going to be a bad run, I pulled into the pits, got my slip, and there it was. 14.95. My first 14 second slip. My next time out I redlighted to a corvette but still beat him, 14.89, my best to date, and not bad with all the wheel spin I had off the line (missed fourth again). I barely get into the pits and they call us up again. Then the rain came. We waited close to 45 minutes before we got to run again. Now the track was really cold and slick. I spun through first gear, went sideways and almost hit the wall. I shifted to second and my rear went sliding toward the other lane. Finally I grabbed and went through the rest of the gears(actually hit fourth this time). 15.03, with a 2.35 60' time. My mph did go up 2mph to 92.2 (probably cause I hit 4th gear). All things considered, I believe I got a 14.6 capable car, 1/2 second quicker than last week. The weather was getting worse, 60 degrees and dropping fast, time to leave.

I believe this will be my last race for a few weeks. I got a set of 1.7 roller rockers to put on and a higher volume fuel pump. 14.4 is in sight. Hell, if I get my heads and intake in next month I should be getting a 13 second slip real soon. Stay tuned folks, I've just begun.


Thursday nights at Rocky Mountain Raceway(RMR) is street race night. Drive it to the track, run it, and drive it home, no trailer queens. After nearly a full winter of dogging on my best friend's (Paul H.) 67 Firebird, he finally gave in. Truth be known, I merely wanted to see what a set of 3.73 gears and my 73mm MAF did, but I couldn't resist dragging my friend down to RMR for a shootout.

Paul was having major traction problems with his tired, six-year old 235/70r14 BF Goodrich's but, my 245/50r16 BFGoodrichs were hooking like champs(as far as street meats go). We ran a few practice runs to dial our cars in. Paul was getting pissed because he was having traction problems with his non-locking rearend and old tires. I knocked off consistent 15-teens, you laugh but we had a density altitude of 6000ft, that works out to 13.8-14.0 times.

Finally the ET bracket kicked off. We decided to run head-to-head right off the bat. I dialed in a 15.05, Paul dialed in a 16.20. 2 smoky burnouts later we were at the pre-stage lights. Stage. The tree went down on Paul's side. .250, red light! 1.15 seconds later my side came down. .666 rt! Even with my slower RT, I managed to catch him and win. We shook hands and he's probably still pissed but we had a good time.

I ran all the way to the quarterfinals that night, losing by only .05 for third place. Fourth place, not bad out of 90 cars for my first time out. As I left the track after my first loss I was depressed, but as I exited pit row and drove into the parking lot there were 10+ Mustangers yelling and hollering, "you almost had him, we were all rooting for ya." I was the last Stang left, I had beat all of these guys tonight, and now they were cheering me on. I stopped and we all talked about Stang's for about an hour. At the end of the night I had had a ball and figured out how to drag race. I'll get a trophy next time, .05 is to close to be luck.


This is embarrasing. I went to RMR Thursday Night Drags in hopes of posting 14's. I barely posted a 15. It never occurred to me that Salt Lake City has an average density altitude of 5500ft. May not sound like much but average times for Mustangs are in the high 15's. After 5 runs I came up with a best of 15.95 @ 88.41mph. Average around here. Guess I shouldn't be pissed, the stang is dead ass stock. I'm doing something to this thing before I come back out here.

See ya when I got a few more bucks. Laters.

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