OK, This is a rather difficult subject to really try to teach you all
in a small web space. Hell, some professional armies still have TO&E
trouble, but I'll give it shot.
This is a breakdown of what each unit contains, from how many
officers in what positions (including what rank belongs in each position)
to how many weapons, rounds, vehicles, meals, working equipment, and spare
parts allotted by command. Now, the big thing to remember about TO&E
is the fact that command is what dreams up a TO&E on a unit, and most
units do not follow their TO&E exactle. Many units have extra
equipment, from weapons to vehicles, the wrong ranks holding positions,
people whose Primary Military Occupational Specialty is not even close
to the job they are holding (Ie: A Heavy Infantry Borg pushing a pencil
down in Finance), and they take a bit to correct these little mistakes.
I do the CS military as an amalgamation of fictional, historical,
and modern military structures, following the limited combined arms approach
for the various units. Here's a couple of examples, pulling out names
and small, petty details.
First of all, you might want to check out my basic
load page, to see a generic what each troop is armed with. This
will help you figure out how many of each weapon is present, with a +/-
20% margin of error. (Roll 1d4. A 1= -20%, meaning some people
are short weapons 2= -10%, some vehicles and men are short weapons 3= +10%
weapons and gear, meaning that some CO has managed to snag some extra weapons
for his troops. 4= +20% Someone is snagging gear right and
left, either for black marketing or is just paraniod, believing in peace
through superior firepower!)
OK, Here's 211th Field Artillery Company
1 Captian-Commanding
1 2nd LT XO
1 First Sergeant-Holding position of the same name
Five Platoons
A Battery
B Battery
C Battery
D Battery