Technomancer spells are much different from the technowizards
spells. Technomancers are much more in tune with machines, not changing
technology to magic, but instead enhancing, repairing or creating technological
items through the use of magic. As stated before, Technomancers
may NOT absorb PPE from ley-lines, magical artifacts, death release or
other methods besides technological items. Without the use of
the spells below, the Technomancer will take the following damage:
Short E-clip: 2d6 SDC; Long E-clip: 4d6 SD; E-canister: 1d4x10 SD; Power
Armor/weapon nuclear pack: 2d6x10; RPA nuclear pack: 4d6x10 SD. They
will also gain only 1/2 the PPE than if they used the spell.
Communicate With Machine
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute Per Level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5
With this Spell, a Technomancer can communicate with machines
that are normally unable to speak, or even have an intellect, such as a
car, a weapon, or a suit of power armor. The more advanced the technology,
the larger the vocabulary, and the longer the memory, and the more versitile
the topics. Example, a Technomancer casts Communicate with Machine
on an E-Rifle to find out where it had been, hoping to discover how far
the bandit camp is and what might be there. The weapon would remember
traveling a few hours away from the sun, far outside the maximum range.
A suit of power armor, however, would know the exact route traveled.
Drain E-Clip
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 0
The Technomancer may not absorb PPE like other spell casters,
but instead need to absorb electricity, lasers, microwave energy, ect.
Without the use of spells, though, Technomancers will take damage from
doing this, making it a risky prospect at best. More than one technomancer
was killed in the early days of the profession absorbing PPE energy from
a source too strong for thier bodies to handle it.
The Drain E-clip spell allows a technomancer to absorb energy
from an E-clip without harming themself. A partially depleted e-clip
provides slight energy, but since the spell utilizes energy in the e-clip
itself to power itself. It provides a mere 5 PPE if the clip
is 25% or less full, 10 PPE at 50%-99%, and 25 PPE for a full long e-clip.
Short e-clips provide 2 PPE, 5 PPE, 15 PPE respectively.
Laser Beam Expulsion
Range: 10m per level
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5 per round
This spells allows a Technomancer to fire laser beams out of
his index fingers, doing 1d6xlevel worth the damage. Upon gaining
5th level, and putting an additional 5 PPE per round into the spell, they
can act as a variable frequency laser weapon.
Mud Patch
Range: 15 feet
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: N/A
PPE: See Below
By putting mud in the holes or cracks in damaged mega-damage
armor, then casting this spell, the mud is transmuted into the same alloy
as the armor itself. The spell cost 2 PPE per MDC, and can only repair
hits that did less than 50 MD, and only if the armor is mostly intact (60%
MDC or greater).
Radio Emulation
Range: 1 miles per level
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Saving Throw: N/A
PPE: 20
This spell allows the Technomancer to become a living radio,
broadcasting and recieving on UHF, VHF, LBF, shortwave, AM, FM and HF frequency.
They can recieve and send with ease, but must speak out loud to transmit,
cannot share their radio ability with any other (no multiple users like
a normal radio), and the sounds from a transmission will temporarily block
out surrounding sounds. They cannot use SLURP, any kind of encryption
process, nor may they use any type of data compression/decompression process.
Attune Technological Item to Owner
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 year per level/special
Saving Throw: none
With the use of this spell, the technomancer can attune an item
of technology to one particular owner. The item will not function
for anyone else, to include opening, closing, firing, showing scenes, activating
or shutting down, although something such as an E-Rifle can still be used
as a club despite the fact that the scope will not function, the weapon
will not fire, break down, eject an e-clip or anything else. The
spell terminates upon the death of the items owner.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5
This spell allows a technomancer to automatically know what
is wrong with an item, for what help that may be. Alien Items are
less likely to be understood, but this may be the only chance for anyone
to know how to repair it. Please not, this must be an entirely technological
item. A technowizardry item, a magic item, or a psionic item will
register all kinds of things wrong with it, despite the fact that they
may or may not be in perfect working order.
Grass Circuitry
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 20
This spell is used to create electronic circutry where it has
been destroyed, or if the Technomancer has the blueprints or another version
to go from. Most commonly used for robot power armor's onboard computer
system repair, it has also been used to fix laptop and in one instance,
a nuclear reactor. Grass packed into the space where the circutry
goes normally is needed.
Read Memory Cells
Range: Object Touched
Duration: 10 minutes per level
Saving Throw: Standard (for AI's or firewalled systems)
PPE: 15
Through the use of this spell, a technomancer may read the contents
of a group or a single computer memory cell. This can be everything
from old punch cards to hightech crystal storage medium. Artificial
Intelligences and systems designed to be proteced from intrusion with a
password or other such safeguards are not automatically read. AI"s
get a saving throw, and protected systems must be hacked into. The
data read cannot be transferred from the device to another storage device
except through voice recording, and the memory fades in time.
Retrieve Data
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Saving Throw: See Below
PPE: 5
This spell allows the Technomancer to retrieve and store data
gained by the use of the Read Memory Cells spells, enabling storage of
the data discovered, it also aids the Technomancer in finding the desired
data. A thinman's computer systems contains a lot of data, everything
from combat to stealth to motive programs, and retrieve data would help
the Technomancer find the data he desired. A Computer Operations
roll is needed. AI's get the standard saving throw, and protected
systems require a computer hacking roll.
Charge E-Clip
Duration: Permanent (Use your head, once the E-clip
is discharged, it's empty)
Saving Throw: None
PPE: See Below
The Technomancer can recharge an empty or partially empty E-clip
with this spell, for the following cost: 20 for a short e-clip, 30
for a long e-clip, the cost is the same no matter if the e-clip is empty
or full.
Communicate With AI
Range: See Below
Duration: 10 minutes per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 20
This spell allows the Technomancer to communicate with an AI,
despite the lack of terminals, as long as an I/O port can be discovered,
via radio, terminal, LAN cable, ect. The AI is not required or forced
to return the communication, and may be slightly irritated at the intrusion.
This spell speeds communication, since the Technomancer and the Artificial
Intelligence will be Communicating at the speed of thought, and can show
one another images, sounds, or information.
Create Scope
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 30
This spell allows the technomancer to create a scope for a weapon,
the base 30 PPE will create a standard glass optic lens, 10x Magnification
power and crosshairs printed on them. Expending additional PPE will
give the scope additional features as follows: Vairable magnification up
to 50x: 5 PPE per setting; Infra-Red: 10 PPE; Thermographic: 15 PPE; Range
Finding: 5 PPE; Laser Enhanced: 10 PPE; Computer Targeting Matching: 20
PPE; Holographic crosshairs: 5 PPE. The scope is permanent until
Power Weapon
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 Minutes per Level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 10
Through the use of this spell, the Technomancer can temporarily
power a drained weapon, providing an e-clip or non energy ammunition is
present (ie-a rail gun). This spell cannot be used to power an energy
weapon, but is most often used on rail guns, missile weapons, or any other
that may require power, but do not have it.
Absorb Electricity, Minor
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5
This spell allows the Technomancer to absorb non-MDC electricity,
and gain 25 PPE per minute, or 1 PPE per SD point done by an SD electricity
attack done by technology, 1 PPE from each die from a magical electric
Drain E-Canister
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 10
A Technomancer may drain the energy from an E-Canister and convert
it into mystic energy through the use of this spell, gaining 10 from a
canister 25%-50% full, 25 from one 51-75% charged, and 50 PPE from a fully
charged e-canister. No PPE is gained from one with less than a 25%
Fuel Combustion/Electrical Engine
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 25
This spell allows a technomancer to power a combustion
or electrical engine through the expenditure of PPE, letting the vehicle
run for one hour per level, no matter what speed.
Jam Sensors
Range: 1 km per level
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE: 15
Through the use of this spell, a Technomancer can jam the sensors
of power armor or vehicles within the range. Black market or shoddy
sensors save at a 16 or higher, while highly advanced or military grade
sensors save at 13 or higher. Jammed sensors give static or multiple
readings, or just plain confused for the duration of the spell.
Invisibility, Sensors
Range: self
Duration: 2 minutes per level
Saving Throw: standard
PPE: 15
This spell will hide the technomancer from technological sensors,
allowing them to hide even from robots, if the armor itself fails a saving
throw. Shoddy or black market sensors save versus ritual magic, while
high-tech or military grade sensor save versus standard magic. No
technological means can detect the technomancer hidden by this spell.
Wipe Computer Memory
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: standard if AI
With this spell, a technomancer can completely wipe any and all signals
from any type of computer memory storage device, from turning a punchcard
into a blank card to wiping the pulses out of an unstable matter complex,
Control Robot
Fry Guidance Systems
Heal Weaponry
Rocks to Rounds
Absorb Laser
Armor Patch
Create Components, Lesser
Create Vibroblade
Extend Ammunition Capacity, Minor
Shut Down RPA
Stabalize Reactor
Absorb Electricity, Major
Charge E-Canister
Heal Armor
Drain RPA Reactor
Heal Armor
Recharge Forcefield Emitter
Absorb Plasma
Create Missiles
Decieve Sensors
Invisibility, Radar
Repair Cybernetics
Particle Beam Expulsion
Plasma Blast Expulsion
Create Laser Rifle
ECM Pulse
Expand Ammo Capacity, Major
Heal Electronics
Rocks to Rounds, Greater
Shape/Form Metal
Shape/Form Armor
Create Components, Greater
Drain RCA Reactor
Drop Force Field
Refuel Reactor
Create Rail Gun
Dampen Reactor
Heal Cybernetics
Mystic Forge
Scrambler Emulation
Shut Down RCA
Change Molecular Structure
Create Artificial Intelligence
Create Computer Components
Imbue with Artificial Intelligence
Create Cybernetics
Detonate Nuclear Reactor
Drain Nuclear Energy
Laser Communications Emulation
Armor Pass
Computer VR Net Entry
EMP Pulse
Heal Robotics
Mystic Repair Bay
Communications Beam Travel
Create Force Field
Create Nuclear Reactor
Electrical Travel
Raise Robotic Legion
Transfer Essence