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  Mission Variable Munition, also known as Em-Vee-Em's, are a major tool on the modern battlefield, and cover a range such as FASCAM artillery an VX class nerve agents.  The essential definitions is a weapon that is used for a specific mission, and is usable only in limited circumstances.
  Many say that the MVM program is a waste of resources, and that it has limited, nearly negligable use.  Those esteemed officers are not students of history.  During Earth's long and bloody history, MVM's have been used extensively, everywhere from the Sinia Engagement of 2141 to the Triax Campaign against the Gargoyle Empire.
 This is a listing of the types of weapons capable of fielding MVM's.
Heavy Weaponry
Missile Weaponry


 Heavy weaponry is the type of weaponry commonly operated on a tripod, or carried by 'borgs, RPA's or vehicles.  They include the CR-1 railgun, the Glitterboy, and the CS-091 Backpack Rocket Launcher (Covered under missile weaponry).
  Armor Piercing, Discarding Sabot-  A nasty little weapon designed before the coming of the Rifts, and used extensively.  Essentially a small needle of dense construction, with a shell that discards soon after the barrel, the shell is a high powered armor piercing munition.  APDS rounds half the available amount of MDC on a suit of armor.  Force fields take 1/2 damage from APDS weapons.
  Ramjet Rounds
  Armor Piercing Ramject Rounds
  Flechette-A nasty little dart that is one of the meanest things every devised.  Barbed and fragile, the flechette will lodge in flesh or bone, and the pointed round can puncture soft armor.  Hard armor will bounce a round, taking light damage from it (1/4 damage), but soft tissues have problems.  Instead of in and out, or an easily removable round, now there is something that will hang up, tears tissues, and in general will rip the hell out of anything it hits.  (+50% to damage to soft targets, 25% damage to hard targets)
  Rubber Rounds-As ridiculous as it sounds, soft rounds have their place.  Not destroying armor or hard targets, they will quickly immobilize or stun soft targets.  Usable in missions where the capture of someone(thing) is the priority, rubber rounds will shock and stun the target.  (damage is applied as concussive to the wearer of armor, or applied as temp damage that can only be fatal if more than double the max damage is taken.  They do MDC to MDC target, and SDC to SDC targets)
  Gel Suspension Rounds-A weapon developed by Syntek Industies, the Gel Suspension Round is a gel casing, surrounding a thick liguid (note: think of a paintball round) with something suspended in the fluid.  This can be radioactive tracing agent, biological agent, chemical agent, metallic dust for radar tracing, armor softening solution (commonly used in the repair of armored vehicles) or pheromone tracing agent.
   Radar Tracer-Metallic particles are suspended in the solution, mostly mylar, and when this round hits the target, it bursts, coating a 4 square inch section with a highly visible to radar liquid.  A burst of these rounds can completely coat a section and make it highly vulnerable to radar, improving radar equipped targeting systems.  (+1 to hit)
    Radioactive Tracer-Full of radioactive particles, this round will coat the liquid onto a target, making it easily trackable by any tracker equipped with a radiometer.
   Biological and chemical agent-See NBC weapons section
   Armor Inhibiting Rounds-Filled with chemicals commonly used in the repair and maintenance of armored vehicles, these rounds are used quite often in commando style raids.
     Softener-A solvent used to soften megadamage armor so that it can be properly fitted to an armored vehicle, this reduces the protection offered by the material.  (Reduces the plating to SDC, although the conversion rate does apply)
     Rigider-Used to firm up plates that softener has been used on.  Rigider will make plates already treated brittle, and easily broken.  (Reduces MDC by half to all affected areas)
  A note on APDS.  Here is a nasty thing about it.  It punches straight through the item, and leaves a vaccuum in it's wake.  If it does a critical hit, and completely depletes the armor, everything inside will be sucked out a hole on the other side.  Rather nasty.
FASCAM-Family of Scatterable Mines.  A nasty weapon developed late in the 20th Century of Pre-Rifts Earth, this weapon is used for Area Denial.  There are two types of rounds.  APERS (AntiPERSonell) and AntiVEHicle.
  Usually anti-personnel and anti-armor are mixed in the same round, to stop both types of with the FASCAM field and to keep infantry from tampering with or moving with impunity through your field.  It also cuts down on supply and logistics strain.  All three types exist.  Most mines are set to auto-destruct after a preset time so your own troops can pass through and not have to sweep the area.
  APERS-Scatters 250 mines over a 5000 square foot (50x100) area.  The mines are laser or wire triggered, and are often the directional type.  Most of them do 1d6x10 damage to a 20 foot are, and are designed so they do not set one another off.
  AVEH-Scatters 200 mines over a 25000 square foot area.  The mines are commonly polymer or ceramic composite, with proximity triggers.  They do 4d6x10 damage to anything triggering them, designed primarily to blow off feet and tracks from armored vehicles.
  Other mine types include bounding mines, both APERS and AVEH.  AP ones jump one or two meters up and detonate, AVEH jump up and fire an Explosively Forged Penetrator slug through the deck armor, and can be set to engage targets flying Nap Of Earth.
ERLIX-Personally, I can't remember what it stands for, but this is another nasty weapon, mostly used in mortars (4.2 inch, mostly), this weapon tracks and impacts by following a laser guidance system.
  STRIX:STRIX is used by large caliber mortars (80mm and above) and artillery, and are designed for precision attack on moving vehicles.  It uses an advanced IR seeker (Thus, there is no need for a designator or gunner)  Other options are laser track millimetric wave radar, sonic and optical recognitions.  Some of these rounds carry multiple warheads.  (For those of you that doubt this can exist-the US SADRAM, MLRS and other weapon systems use it)
Smoke-Simple round, just drops smoke everywhere
Smoke, White Phosporous-A nasty weapon, officially on the books as a smoke producing round, white phosphouros burns at a high temperature, and can only be put out by cutting it off from oxygen.  (10d6 MDC per round for 2d6 rounds, reducing by 1d6 per round after the initial time, until no more damage is inflicted)
Smoke, Colored-Simple.  Comes in Red, green, blue, yellow.  Funny thing about smoke, since it blocks light, it reduces the range and amount of damage done by lasers.  (L.IGHT A.mplification through S.timulation of E.mmitted R.adiation)
Smoke, High Concentrate-Thicker, and lasts longer.  Will completely block lasers.  Funny, huh?
Smoke, Thermal Masking-Jams Infrared and thermal targeting/sights from getting a visual on anything inside or on the other side of the cloud
Smoke, Radar Masking-A thick smoke, actually burning metal, that will block radar by showing a radar signature across the entire area of the cloud.
Flare-Poof, light.  Comes in multiple colors.  Red, White, green, blue, orange, and yellow
Flare, Star Cluster-Four or five flares
Flare, Illumination Bomb-Bang!  Lots of White Light!  Provides illumination to a large area for 3d4 minutes before burning out.  Great for fighting at night.
Flare, IR Illumination  Throws up an IR parachute flare.  Greatly enhances the performance of NVS's (Night Vision Systems) since when they set to Light Amplification they also pick up IR frequencies such as active IR light, and are invisible to standard sight!
Chaff, Radar Defeating-Throws up a cloud of mylar conffetti that will show a huge cloud on radar.
Chaff, Laser Defeating-Throws up a thick cloud of water vapor with crystalline particles suspended inside.  Does not last as long as smoke, however.
Low Explosive-BOOM!
High Explosive-BOOM!
Incendairy-Burns at a high heat to demolish burnable structures.  Does standard damage, but burns instead of explodes.
Fuel-Air-A powerful explosive that combines a proper ratio of fuel to air, creating a blast more devastating within it's range than a nuclear explosion, without the problems of fallout and radioactivity.  A nasty weapon.
Tactical, Nuclear-Typical nuclear round.
Subsurface Detonater-Allows the missile to penetrate up to 300m underground before exploding.
Anti-Armor-Designed specifically to take out armor.  Drops the MDC of armor by 25%
DP-ICM-Dual Purpose-Improved Conventional Munitions, cluster roungds.  Each one dispenses a mixed load of anti-armor and fragmentation submutions.  Also are 'smart' munitions and bplasma submunitions either in grenade form or in stand-off top attack (ie-orients on a target while falling and then detonates to fire a directional blasma beam.  No hard target? (ie: Vehicle, RPA, or PA)  Then detonate and crisp the infantry with the plasma flare.


Let's talk about the nasty stuff now.  Stuff I have found in Jane's manuals, military and industrial public databases, and books on future trooper concepts.
  HARPOON-VII Here's a nasty one.  Think of a surface to air (SAM) or Air to Air (AAM) missile, now, add a booster charge behind 4 tungsten steel harpoons, designed to use the aircrafts speed against it.  If hit, the harpoons will tear sections of the aircraft apart when the speed grabs the harpoon.  It also ruins the aerodynamic profile, sometimes causing the aircraft to shake itself apart.
  LAMPRAY-IX  This warhead explodes in proximity to the aircraft, attatching dozens of quater-sized magnetic explosive charges to the skin of the aircraft.  Micro-fusion charges that is.  Then it detonates, ripping away sections of the aircraft skin, and then the speed itself does the rest of the work, tearing the aircraft apart.
  LAMPRAY-X  This one spits out a cloud of directional plasma charges that detonates in a cloud of plasma beams that holes or warps the aircrafts armor, once again allowing speed and wind resistance to rip apart the aircraft.
  DRAGON- A wire guided missile, it has a range of only 1.5 miles, and drops a microfilament wire behind it.  It can be used to make called shots.
  TOW-VI-Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided (Thanks for the correction).  It can be guided in, and is often mounted on vehicles, and can be used to make called shots.
  Both the Dragon and the TOW has the operator track the target with the weapon's sight.  As the missile flies, the tracker looks for a xenon lamp in the missile's tail.  It compares where it is pointing with the missile's position and sends course corrections down the wire (or by radio signal with others, but this can lead to jamming.  The CS sticks with wires)  Problems come with the wires getting snagged, since Delcon coated superconductor no longer shorts out on water or wet surfaces.  Another problem is shooting at the gunner and making him/her/it duck, or even killing them, causing the missile to go off course.
  HEAT-OK, this one is fun, so watch and follow.  First, the front end of the missile is slightly hollow, kind of like this:
<>###  The < is the guidance system, that is obliterated when the explosive (#) detonates.  The force of the detonation inverts the cone of copper or bronze(>) and reduces it to plasma, where it turns into a spear of highly charged particles.  Nasty and effective against armor.  It blows a funnel shaped hole, the narrow end of the cone on the outside.
  Most anti-vehicle (read anti-armor) missile weapons still use this type of warhead, even with the advent of reactive armors.  There are some missiles that use kinetic force as opposed to a shaped charge.  Some of these are hypersonics, while others use EFP's.  Most hypersonic rounds are used in railguns, mass drivers and such, kinetic kill weapons are still gaining popularity, but a sattalite system such as the Old Amerikan Empire Thors Hammer Sattelite are needed for kinetic kill artillery.

  Well, that's it.  I know, I didn't include damages, but you need to decide that for yourself.  It depends on the campaign, personally, a HEAT round depends on the caliber.  We have applied calibers to railguns, missile weapons.  A HEAT minimissile will do 2d6x10 to an armored vehicle, and is capable of killing something in a single shot (5% chance +5% for every 10% the firer has in Targeting Systems) when used by a skilled operator.  LAW rockets meet T-72 tanks.

  Once again, thanks to PsyWraith, who added a lot to this page and the Mil-Spec gear page.