Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you such an asshole?

Plain and simple, it’s because I’m honest.

How come you insult Goths when you yourself are one?

First and foremost I’m not Gothic, I just happen to like the color black, excuse me for having a different taste in colors. Second of all, I only insult those who are deserving of it. People who think that by shopping at Hot Topic and listening to Marilyn Manson makes them Gothic when they have absolutely no background of what it is are deserving of my vitriol.

Do you realize that you contradict yourself?

Do you realize that I don’t care?

How long have you been working on your website?

I’d say about five years.

Are you depressed?

Like all human beings I have my melancholy moments, but I am not self-loathing nor do I suffer from bipolar disorder.

What do you do for a living?

I am a college student majoring in English/Fine arts and I have a job on the side in retail.

Why do you hate fat people?

I don’t hate fat people, I just don’t have any sympathy for the ones who bitch about how fat they are as they continue to stuff the fork in their mouth.

Why are you so dark and gloomy?

What the hell is so dark and gloomy about a guy who shits and eats like everyone else and runs a website in his freetime?

Do you have a girlfriend?


What do you look for in a girl?


What are your major interests?

Look at My Profile.

What are your aspirations?

I am an aspiring writer and filmmaker.

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