By Jeremy Nicholas Lewis

-Picture from the Dore Illustrations book for Dante's Divine Comedy-

Are you ever at the mall or at a one stop shopping store and every direction or aisle you come to there’s always that one fat lady clad in either a backless shirt, a spaghetti strap tank top, or those ass-tight jeans with a thong pulled up above her waist? I know I have. In fact where I work, I see them in hordes everyday. The question is why? Why do these grotesquely fat women roam the public half naked? Do they think people really want to see their rolls upon rolls of plump sagging below their belt line, practically to their thighs?

What’s disturbing is a lot of these women are lost in the delusion that they are attractive. It some how augments their confidence to show off the work—or lack thereof—of a gluttonous slob who lounges around in front of the television all day stuffing their face with pork rinds.

Something else that I don’t understand is the philosophy of “if you don’t like what you’re seeing then don’t look.” This is what I have to say to that “quit stuffing your face and walking around public half naked, pretending that you aren’t layered in so much fat that you could conceal throngs of explosive devices and a detonator in the pockets of flabby flesh” if you don’t want people looking at you. If one is dressed provocatively that person more than likely cares about what people will think of them. It’s obvious that they want the attention and that’s fine if you’re an attractive woman who is in good shape. However, it’s not okay if you look like you’re the Pillsbury Doughboy’s wife.

Speaking of which, there’s this girl I knew at my old-job who on a daily basis wore these tight ass-hugger pants that were obviously two sizes too small with a black thong wedged so far up her marshmallow ass that the strands were practically up to the middle of her back and it was visible through her translucent ghost-white baby doll shirt. And at the bottom of the shirt you could see these dragon wings tattooed on her drooping fat rolls. Have you ever seen one of those fat people who sweat while they eat? Well she was one of them. I shit you not! One day I was eating at the food court at work and there she was—about three tables away from me—sweating like a Catholic priest at a little league game while sucking down one of her two double cheeseburgers and a bundle of fries. If you’re sweating while eating, you’re done. Plain and simple, your life is over--concoct the most convenient way to kill yourself now.

Now, I’m no work of art myself and I know this. There are times I dress in the manner where I consciously know that I’m going to be ridiculed and receive grimaces and funny looks from other people. I don’t care nor have I ever cared what complete strangers think about me in general. I am also not a hundred pounds overweight garbed in nothing but a loincloth that exposes portions of my privies in public.

Like I said before a lot of these women seem like they care what other people think. It’s hard for me to think that they dress in a manner that vividly reveals their hideous bodies and not expect people to look.

On another note—as I digress a bit—I find it disturbing that over half the American population is either overweight or obese. It isn’t the government’s fault nor is it the fault of the fast food industries. I can’t stress how much I’m sick and tired of fat people who lament their frustrations towards McDonalds and other fast food industries, claiming that they represent the reason for their obesity, oblivious to the fact that they are the ones who waddle their fat-asses to the front counter ordering four Big Macs and sousing their fries with salt when the fries all ready have enough salt in them to accommodate a half-gallon milk carton.

No one forces them to do anything with their life. Ultimately, they are the ones who make the choices in their life, not McDonalds, Burger King, or any fast food industry.

And lastly, for the fat ladies living a fantasy that you’re some Barbie Doll, you are not attractive! You are an obscenity to the public view and I’m sure there are many people both fat and thin who probably think the same thing.


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