Prayer is not an Excuse for Sloth

By J. Nicholas Lewis

Have you ever known anyone who lives a secluded life, basically like a hermit expecting God to guide them all throughout their pitiful life? Thank goodness I've known a handful of people like and this and all I have to say is... What is the point? What exactly is the point? If you believe in God then you should believe that God didn’t put you here just for him to hand you success on a platter right when you exit your mother's womb. And anyway, why would God choose one particular person over another. What makes that one person more special than the rest? The time that they spend lamenting about their pathetic lives to God, they could be:

1. Enhancing their education.

2. Actively seeking a job... or a job better than being a snaggle-toothed clerk with crotch-rot at 711.

3. Getting laid. Surely, fornication has to be on the list of requests that these insipid people make to God.

4. Contemplating their life’s demise. If they have to beg God to guide them through every decision and every step they take in life, there is no hope for them. They need to just give it up. There is no room in this world for two-bit losers who expect success after a simple prayer. I’m sure God has a special place for people who have the conviction to slit their wrists or put that gun to their head. Hell, I bet God will even personally give you props for discovering a creative way of killing yourself like suplexing a running lawnmower on top of yourself.

Quit praying and start working. An angel isn’t going to majestically descend from heaven, knock on the door, and magically pull a million dollar check out of its ass just for you to indulge in your excessive materialistic urges. I say that because what do most people do when they get their hands on that type of money? They sure as hell aren't saving it nor are they learning to finance and budget their money. If you give a million dollars to the average American, chances are they will blow it on pointless things like flashy sports cars, expensive jewelry, and so on and so forth to the point where they are driven into debt. Anyway, I think it's best I conclude this onslaught of wrath before I give myself an ulcer.


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